This map portrays a alien on alien battle, the reds vs the greens. If a Red kills you then you join their ranks. I know this type of map isn't original, but I think it has a nice look not being in a box, and the zombies splatters the humans instead of the other way around. The humans can use armor lock, drop shield, hologram, evade, and sprint. When a zombie in a vehicle goes through the teleporter, they are put back in the hangar.(trust me it is best that way), and if a human or zombie on foot go through the teleporter, they are put at the top of the ramp. Thank you guys for making Alien Splatter my most downloaded map ever, please continue to comment and download
how does the gametype work? and how did you get so much warthogs? if its a glitched/ modded map? because mods arnt'd allowed. (not saying you cant show me, hinthinthint) (SHOW ME HOW!)
Trust me, I wouldn't know how to mod. The way you do it is put down X amount of any vehicle and in the gametype set the vehicle set to warthogs and you get all warthogs. (use ghosts and mongeese since they are cheaper) P.S. the gametype is infection
Seems interesting... I like how the zombies splatter the humans, because usually the humans would own the zombies. From what I see it looks like it could be a lot of fun, but can you add a better description on the map? That would help a ton! And why do humans have armor lock? That wouldn't be that fun, since whenever the zombies try to splatter humans, they just armor lock. But I like the different AA's you used!
Trust me when you have 10 people. you always have the 3 idiots who pick something else and easily splattered, the 2 who can't wort armor lock, and when you get all of those you now have six zombies and it gets pretty easy. Also, what would make the description better, and what are AAs?
AA's are armor abilities. I already have a map like this, but a little variety would be nice. Ill try it out