Here is my newest screenshot, something about the lighting and background makes me like it. Woops, forgot the download link.
Good pic. 'Grats on the recon. I think it would've looked much better if the color was black, though green is pretty different. 4.5/5.
haha lol, the truth comes out.... but nice shot, i like. Again like the 2nd person above, it would have been better if his forced color was black :/ But, ohwell. Its really good! 3.5/5
The effect is stunning, it really is, but the pose would be cool if we was more to the right and he was orange, red, or black, or yellow lol. 4.75/5 Good job Alec.
I dont think it's fair that pictures with recon get more downloads, because relatively they do, everybody i ask with recon will not pose for me =( sad face. I need somebody with r-con to pose for me! lol
I don't like it. To me, how I see it, the photo is all about the Recon. You're just showing off your Recon which is fine, but at least do it in away where Recon is like a second thought. Anyway, I'm rambling on. The way you shot this is just poor. You can see the Spike Grenade, he's looking down, and he's just way too close to the camera. Only thing I could say I like about this photo is the background. This is really disappointing because I expect something a little bit better than this from you.
This looks good but out of place. The color doesnt do either. Not one of your best screenshots. 3.5/5