Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra and XxFxExAxRXx Description This is the ultimate map with many twists and turns that provide fun for racing and especially the gamtype of battlesnipes. This map is extremely smooth and provides a great theme with some aesthetics and also provides an uncheatable destination. Oh yeah, the map doesn't begin with Spectac. Anyways, please reply and give some constructive criticism and enjoy. Pictures Start Straightaway after start First turn and swirl Wall corner Bank Straightaway after bank Dip Wooden Bridge Turn Wooden Bridge Dip Last turn and destination Overview Another Overview Well That's It. Hope You Like the Map!!!! Alcyone Battle Snipes Racetracks
I fear we have another shaddoblade on our hands? Outstanding map, the only suggestible thing would be to make the teleporters mid-air and remove the grav-lifts. The grav-lifts actually slow down the mongoose... Edit: And maybe change up the start a bit? Looks a bit too hectic... possibly aligned more with the track. If you take my advice and make the teleporters floating, you could make the ramp larger and place the garage underneath it.
This is a DL for me. I agree that he is the next shaddoblade. He puts out nice tracks everytime. I have never seen a bad track from you. Nice dips and turns very smooth. I think you have to leave the grav lifts because the it makes the finish line cheatproof. Once again keep up the good work, can't wait to see what is next.
Congratulations on being the first person/people to impress me in over two weeks. This track says it all with the smooth, large banks and the dips and hills. I honestly have nothing bad to say about the track other than it kicks ass. Great Job you guys cant wait to see what you make next.
I've always liked most of your maps and this one is no disappointment... though I've never heard of the other guy. XD Looks insanely smooth and I like how turns have hills within them. Looks very nice and very cheat-proof.
I know fear he forges liek 6 maps at a time and is a BEAST at geomerging... he can geomerge like anything lol... He said he didn't feel like finishing it and left it to RA or something like that lol... but he told me about this and i'm glad you posted it... and Knight is right I realized there hasn't been any good racetracks in a while lol =P
i see how electra isnt a good racetrack well whatever. Spec great map nice turn at the end. i love it 4.8/5. The checkpoint ending is a little sketchy other than that, the map is awesomeeeee!
Well this is great, but I am not into these kind of maps. I'm sure it's very fun for gametypes and competive stuff, but I am into race tracks that focus directly on your driving skill. I like them to be hard, intense, and fast. If you checked out my other map you know what I'm talking about.
Don't try to advertise. This is a racetrack that is meant for competitive gameplay like Racetracks and Battle Tracks. It is not meant to be overly challenging, rather to be easier to stay on the track. These tracks are double wide. The kind of track you are talking about is a roller coaster that is meant to be challenging and not meant for competitive gameplay. These are single wide.
Yea please don't try to advertise your maps, especially on another person's topic. But I think the maps you're talking about are tournament tracks because they take skill to drive and is intense with a big party. If you are talking about rollercoasters, than this map is no where close to that.
I know this is a little late, and I hope it doesn't count as a necropost, but here's my review: I was lucky enough to get a few games of Battle Snipes on this map last night, which turned out to be a blast. (Except for one guy who kept spawnkilling. He got a nice boot to the ass, though.) I really enjoyed this map, because as people have said before me, it's incredibly smooth. There were no bumps, and I definitely didn't notice the Double Wall that I pointed out in my previous post. However, this track was a little more difficult to race on than some others that I usually play on, so I fell off a lot, to the detriment of my team. Oh well. Thankfully, my sniping was on point, and I got a ton of kills off the back of the Mongoose, as you can see here. My only issues with the map was that there were a few places, -- mostly near the start of the race -- where another part of the track that crossed overhead was so low that it caused the camera to spaz out a bit when I drove under it. It's not huge, but it's a little distracting. However, I did not have any trouble with people driving the wrong way from the starting line. Some posters above me have mentioned that, but I didn't see it happen at all, so I'm not going to count that against you. And finally, the one thing that really chips away at this racetrack's shot at perfection is that there were no big thrills. Though I appreciated the interesting criss-crossing layout, which is very good for Battle Snipes, there aren't big hills or turns that get you excited. You never really feel like you're going superfast like a badass. It's very flat. (LIKE YOUR MOM'S CHEST! OHHHHH!!! ) It gets a little monotonous for the driver after awhile, which also hurts the replayability factor of this map. I really wished there was something like this: Perhaps you don't need something quite as huge as that hill, but driving down hills gives you a sense of speed, and helps mix things up for the driver. Overall, this map is excellent. There is superior forging and gameplay for the most part, with limited technical issues. It is smooth, fun for the gunner, and has a unique criss-crossing path that is rarely seen among other racetracks. Most of my complaints only appear in retrospect, the kind of things that you really wish the racetrack had. However, in my opinion, those faults hinder the map's replayability. The Awkward Verdict: 4.5/5 Very nice job. Keep it up with your unique designs, but next time try to add more features that will make the driver want to keep racing for a long time to come.
this is true, but perhaps it is possible to use mancannons instead. ive never done it so i wouldnt know, but its got to bo worth a try.