I have to agree and disagree. His point that if someone really wants to stop, they can. Proof positive is myself, quit drinking cold turkey, havent had one sip in over a year. I just didnt want to drink anymore, it ****ed up my life. However, withdrawals are a part of addiction, and they are real. What i said about alochol withdrawals is true, the only difference is that the physical addiction to alcohol slowly builds to this level over years and years, whereas heroin addiction is instant. A person who has only been drinking for 10 or so years wont experience terrible withdrawals, but someone who drinks a bottle of whiskey a day for their whole lives and tries to stop cold turkey once they are 70 years old will have a VERY tough time.
Have you ever drank before? 1. Alcohol tastes like garbage no matter what, unless you've drank it for a long time 2. Getting **** faced is fun as hell, assuming you're not a person who gets all depressed.
here is an interesting fact in the US when you become 18 you are old enough to kill (if your in the military) but no old enough to drink (I just find it odd). I agree alcohol is a problem but if we ban it then it will just allow the mafia/gangs to take over the illegal alcohol industy and make them rich.
Pack a day smoker for 5 years. Not addicted? Perhaps. Also, getting **** faced might be fun the night of, until you start puking on yourself, lose control of your bladder and sphincter, and then you wake up the next day... No thank you. I like my booze but I like to keep in control and just keep a nice buzz going all night long.
I did live in the states for three years after I started. And I'm fairly certain Marlburough doesn't change from there to here.