Sandbox Alcazar

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ROC bioflame, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Made by: iROC Your Sockz

    This ancient castle used to be the center of civilization until the dunes covered most of it up. 6-14 players

    Download Alcazar

    Note: There have been weapon changes since this picture.

    (8-14 Players Max)

    Alcazar, which is a castle that belong to the spanish along time ago, is noticeably an asymmetric map made on the default grounds of Sandbox. The Map was primarily made to have some epic One Flag/One Bomb battles, but it is compatible with everything else (except Infection, I think). As you scroll through the set of pictures, you will be able to see that I have geo-merged some blocks and walls into the sand. The blocks don't really improve gameplay (although rockets and grav-lifts spawn there), they are more for the aesthetic value to show that I take my time on maps like these, not to mention they were a ***** to do. The recommended people on this map is 8-14 people, enjoy and please criticize, I honestly think I have to much weapons/power weapons, what do you think?

    Red Base

    Red Base (Side)



    • One Bomb
    • One Flag

    (other gametypes)

    • Oddball
    • Team Oddball
    • King of the Hill
    • Team King
    • Territories
    • Multi-Assualt
    • Team Slayer
    • Multi-CTF

    Blue Base

    Blue Base (Back)

    Blue Base (Pick-up zone/inside)

    Weapons and Equipment

    - Battle Rifles [x8]
    - Needler [x1]
    - Brute Shot [x1]
    - Plasma Pistol [x2]
    - Mauler [x1] (Asymmetric Only)
    - Machine Gun Turret [x1] (Asymmetrical Only)
    - Missile Pod [x2]
    - Shotgun [x1] (180 Seconds) (Symmetrical Only)
    - Rocket Launcher [x2] (180 Seconds)
    - Sniper Rifle [x1] (180 Seconds)
    - Spartan Laser [x1] (180 Seconds)

    - Plasma Nades [x8]

    - Bubble Shield [x2]
    - Power Drain [x2]
    - Grav-lift [x2]

    - Mongoose [x3] (1 of them are added on asymmetrical gametypes)
    - Warthog [x2]
    - Chopper [x2]



    Middle (2)

    Blue Base (Secondary)


    #1 ROC bioflame, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. This looks amazing. I love the look of the layout, the aesthetics are great, and it's obvious that you put a tremendous amount of work into this. Great geo-merging and interlocking, too. It really makes things look smooth. Great job! This deserves a 9/10. Keep up the good work.

    #2 mastersync23, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  3. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    There aare quite a few interlocks and merges in there that outstand me. Especially the one you took a picture of (you silly goose). Anyways, looks like it plays fine. I love the theme of a bridge sort of thing in the center, or a structure at all being a primary focus point. Great job on the map, I'll download when I clear some room.
  4. Manoukian1414

    Manoukian1414 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks awesome. I like how you used the corner pieces to make part of the wall/bridge. Just one question, how do you geomerge on sandbox, I knew how to do it on foundry but i don't know how to do it sandbox.
  5. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey dude ive never heard of you before. hello. Your map, looks incredible. You have the interlocking and geo-merging skills of, uh... ME! LAWLin! no but rly i do have very good interlockins and geomergin skills and so do you. I like the layout of the map. But who wouldn't, i man ths looks a whole lot like a almost exact copy of Cosmic Rick's UTAH MAMBO. I mean, dude, come on! If this is your only map to do this, dont worry, i kinda did it too with my map Forerunner <---(If u's wants 2 see epic campaign Forerunner technology, then check this out!) advertisment. Ok i suggest you try and change your theme to this map. Not the whole structures, but just so pll dont so this and say, wait y are we playin Utah mambo? LOOKIE HERE! THINGS 2 FIX!

    -Dude, 1 team with camo and one with OS? that is totslly unbalanced. I suggest you do something about that.
    -I've said it already, change the theme from Utah Mambo to ALCAZAR! totally new theme.
    -Very unbalanced-looking in some places. Red team has a turret, a shotgun, and qucker access to middle area weapons and rockets. And wat do the blue team have? a plasma pistol and a sniper. o boy. I dont know how well that'll do. But I'll test when i get some space.

    That's it. I edit this post for more advice. Dont let this get ya down. Im not tryin 2 b mean, just tryin to help u and ur map. Overall this map is a sucess. I love the new architecture, specifically the large corner path and spiner window. It looks like you really took your time into this map. Wonderful job, sir ROC Bioflame. 4.5/5 edit with my and your comments and I will give this a 5/5! Nice job d/ling later.

  6. WREX

    WREX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, like the guy above me said, this is a lot like Utah Mambo. I'm sure you got inspiration from it though, but the similarities are uncanny lol.

    Good job on the merging and interlocking. It looks really neat.

    P.S. I'll still download it to see if it actually plays like Utah Mambo or not.
  7. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great and looks like you put time and effort into it. I dont give a f**k if it looks like another map.
  8. ROC bioflame

    ROC bioflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yah, i knew people would see the resemblance of the Utah Mambo. This map was mainly just to see what I can do with geo-merging and using the default layer of the map. It may look like the middle of the map is a complete rip off of Utah Mambo, but I used that kind of structure for one of my first maps back in March and I wanted to use that again, thanks for the comments guys. And for all the people who even read this, please prevent yourself from mentioning that it looks like Utah Mambo, cause it doesn't have to be repeated.

    Again thank you for the criticism guys.
  9. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    just askin, what map did u base if off of? i just looked, and i dodn't see 1. lol but thats ok i don't rly care that its looks a lot like utah mambo. Utah Mambo's a good map, and getting motivated from it isnt bad. I got motivated from it on my latest map also.
  10. Leeumm

    Leeumm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really great. I love the layouts of the bases, and the creativity of some of the structures (large corners for bridges.) Excellent interlocking and geomerging. Definite DL for me, I don't think anything could be improved in the map.
  11. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The base layout and aesthetics are wonderful. This looks like a lot of fun!

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