Alcatraz by: jedi eli Story: In 2554, after the war, the UNSC re-established the most heavily guarded jail, Alcatraz. Today, some prisoners have managed to shut down the technology in facility, have figured out an escape route, and are escaping. Now, UNSC Marines will have to track them down and execute them. Description: Alcatraz is an asymmetrical map made on Blackout. The Cops (UNSC Marines) spawn in a room that leads to the jail cell the Robbers (Prisoners) have escaped from but, you can also jump up to the top room where you can take a long way to the jail cell but, you'll probably come across the Robbers on the way. The Robbers spawn in the jail cell where they can blow up the entrance and head up to try to kill the Cops. But, the Cops can use their shortcut and come sneak up behind you and kill you, too. The whole map loops around and it is very playable and a lot better than my last posted map, MLG Midation. Now for some pics. Pics: Cops Spawn Room By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Cops Top Room By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Cops Shortcut to Jail Cell By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Cops Long Way to Jail Cell By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Robbers Spawn Room By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Robbers Spawn Room Opposite Side By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Robbers Spawn Room Opposite Side After Being Blown Up By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Robbers Top Room Pathway to Cops Rooms By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Robbers Pathway to Cops Rooms Close Up By jedieli at 2008-06-01 Closing: Well, that about raps the map up hope you like it and download it, see ya later! Downloads: Download Alcatraz map here. Download Cops & Robbers Gametype here. *NOTE: IF YOU ARE PLAYING THE MAP IT IS ONLY FUN WITH 10-16 PLAYERS*
most of the pics dont work for me eli. just letting you know, but i still encourage people to download this map and game type as it is really fun and produces interesting combat scenarios. 4.5/5 great job. I really think we need to get to work on a joint project......
nice map it is good to see a map on someplace rather than foundry, but is quite confusing, you say it is for cops and robbers?
One second, I have been notified that some people when they are Cops are spawning out of the map and I am updating the map so, the new version will be in the map link in a few minutes. OK It has been updated. For those of you who DLed the last one DL it again because on the other one it had spawning problems.
Thanks but, I do not know why some of the pics aren't working because they're working fine on my computer.
Please do not double post, you can just use the edit function to edit your posts so you don't have to post twice. And if you do it on accident, there's a delete function. I'm surprised to see a Cops & Robbers map here, they tend to be kind of simple and run completely on honor rules, so...
Wow, this map looks like it took a long time to make. The idea is also very original. I'll dl and check it out!
This looks pretty good with a nice design. The areas flow pretty well and I like the different entrances that you made. The pictures however don't really show me how much of blackout is playable. Maybe an overview drawing/picture. good job. 8/10