IMPORTANT: c0nfused this is the link to the map the normal one is broken (i accidentally removed it from my file share) this is a map for cops N' robbers game type. its a fun game with the right people, and it has lots of ways to torture the ones that arent right cops N' Robbers is an infection game, with one infected and one life for all players. the infected or cop tells the humans or robbers what to do. if the robbers fail to accept the orders then they die. all players must have mic's so they can give orders if the cop and hear orders if they are robbers. dont bother jumping it wont kill you. features include: a court room for all your trials a radiation room a solitary confinement cell a holding room for the prisoner on trial while the others vote, and a voting room landmine grav lift killamjiger suicide drop prevention falling box torture and some other things
From what i can see nothings wrong with the post. If you need help you could refer to this all in all good looking map could go with more screenshots though. i have a few questions How does it play?? Where do you go if you "escape?" thanks!
it has good play, me and my friends always have a good time. and i attempted to make an escape method in the last version, but it just would not work right so i removed it, ive been playing with it to add a new escape rout tho, so if i do ill update the post