So guys. I've been looking around, and some of the signatures lately have been decreasing in quality. I'm making a Mastery Guide to help signatures in general. Not a tutorial, a guide. So. I need some help from you guys. Do you guys have any questions? If so ask them here. Want to see something mentioned in the guide? Say so here. Basically this is a FAQ kinda thing. You ask, I'll answer in the guide. So, shooot. Also, Whisper and you guys who are really good, don't come in here and flame.
background, C4D texture, C4D effects, C4D effects lights in specific, women, (people in general) renders (not so much for me), black white fading crap, and sex thats for me, idk for others...
Anything you'd like to know? I want to know what you want specifically cause' the guide is gonna be covering a lot of topics (hopefully).
Not yet nub! I'll release it sometime next week. I'm done with focal already. (Easy topic for me), and colour should be easy.
As sdrak said whats C4d and all these other expressions people use about sigs? And another one. Where should I get started for a first sig. I have a render ready now what do I do?
definetly text. mine suck worse than anyones sometimes lol.. also, choosing a good render, clipping masks, colors, and sharpening.