I am in the process of making a Standoff track right now. Though it is different because I will make it battletracks compatible and will also be uncheatable. It will be difficult to accomplish but I'm sure it will be done. So far, it has an enjoyable jump that has a great landing. Unfortunately, it works only about 98% of the time. The other two percent may cause flipping. The estimated time will most likely be 21 seconds but that's the best I can do with the limited objects on Standoff. Some are doubtful that it will be uncheatable but I guess we will have to see. Also, there is actually an invisible box on the track. It wasn't done purposely, it just happened on its own. On to the pics: Notice the invisible fencebox in the pic. This should be finished by Saturday. Hoping to get some good testing on this. Comments and Ideas are wanted!
No because it is invisible!! Anyway. Looks like it will be another awesome map by you Spectac. Nice to see you are challenging yourself aswell by not sticking to Sandbox.