Hello to everyone and welcome to xxAl Capwnagexx’s and mxdd13’s sig request shop! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shop rules *IMPORTANTE*: ALWAYS use the given formats. The formats allow us to give you the artwork you came for. We will not fulfill your request(s) if the formats given were not used. Please inform us if you want any changes done. NEVER try editing the artworks done in this shop unless given permission by anyone working here. We still have our copyrights on them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sites for renders and text: Font site http://www.dafont.com/ Render site best one http://www.planetrenders.net/ Render site http://www.gamerenders.com/forum/index.php?&autocom=gallery There are 2 order forms the main one and the one for Al if you want specific armor! Sig order format (main): Maker: Specific Size: Background: Render (s): Render Placement (s): Text: Text Placement: Text color: Text font: Special Other Things: Sig order format (Spartan Al’s specialty if you want a sig from HIM): Main Color: Secondary Color: Sig Light (like light or dark): Name: Quote: Font: Visit Here Picture (http://php.badrouter.net/bnet/)Use this for a format: Medal: Spartan Armor specs: MUST INCLUDE PICTURE! My xbox currently is dead so you need to take a picture of it and I can get it off your bungie.net file! Border: 1. Yes/no, color, thickness (pixels), type: bevel, regular, or rounded edges Special Requests: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My profile: Name: xxAl Capwnagexx (not taking requests for right now) Gender: Male Age: 15 Program: GIMP Position: Thread leader/main sig maker Style: whatever I feel like Hobbies: basketball tennis skiing sig making and of course halo Examples: Name: mxdd13 Gender: male Age: 14 Program: GIMP Position: Thread updater/main sig maker Style: Grunge/animations/prefers to find renders that you like and are already transparent =] Hobbies: Playing soccer, working hard to get good grades, and MAKING SIGS DUH! Examples: Name: Reaper of Bunny Gender: male Age: 13 Programhotoshop Position:Sig maker Style: abstract, glow Hobbies:Tennis, snowboarding, mountin biking, spelling horribly, and getting better with PS. Examples: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished Requests: Scopulus Hellclown Corey renato gnoizic Plasma Glory astronum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests in Progress: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requests Waiting: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joining form: *please pm mxdd13 or xxAl Capwnagexx* Name: Program: Gender: Why you want to join: Examples of your art: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoppe Goals: 5 requests *done* 10 requests 15 requests 20 requests 25 requests 30 requests 40 requests 50 requests 60 requests Give a gift Receive a gift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gifts:
I like the banner mxd! Looks nice. reaper, what do you mean by sent a PM? I didn't get one, so I assume it is to mxd. Anyway, I am making specifically halo sigs while mxd will take everything else. MXD-Please fix the link to dafont.com, and also at the bottom of my form please add planetrenders, as this can save me a lot of time. Also, how does everyone like my new (I say new because I haven't broke it out yet, but really I have had it for awhile) sig? Also x2, mxd are you english? You spelled shop with an e
I like it and yes i sent it to mxd, he's doing HW so hasnt put me up yet, but ya he said I could. Also i couldnt read the banner, maybe slow down a little? EDIT: Al do you like making halo sigs? I couldnt stand it.
Ok I will get right on that boss! Let me finish my homework and that will be fixed! Nice sig! Now we only need a sig request!
well, I will probably make different ones if people give something interesting, but IDK what I am supposed to do besides halo right now. also, Name: xxAl Capwnagexx Gender: Male Age: 15 Program: GIMP Position: Thread leader/main sig maker Style: whatever I feel like Hobbies: basketball tennis skiing sig making and of course halo Examples: (see old thread and my sig) also x2, I think we should limit it to just us three, and if other people want to join they can create a second thread and recruit their own people. I see us dividing them up like this: Me: Halo Mxd: Non- Halo Bunny: VECTORS and bright colored sigs. I like your bright colors in your examples. You can choose to make halo or non-halo ones.
okay but im still new so wth is a vector and mx you spelled abstract wrong. I prefer non halo but can do halo ones and that planet renders site is sweet im exploring it now. Just tell me which sigs to do. EDIT: also i got dibs on any manga/anime ones, ok?
Ok going ot update the banner. no I am not english, I am american. Will update taht al. will update that too reaper. I was thinking like four of us.
Not bad but it looks plan to me, hey how do you like my new sig check it out in the examples for me. What is DIF?