so i just got an idea for how to make an air strike on sandbox. you have two opposing base on opposite sides of sandbox. have the bases outside of the main boundary and block of all of the lazers except the ones directly behind each base. then create a switch in either base that unblocks the towers, and then all you have to do is activate the switch and the other base is bombarded with lazers. what do you guys think?
If you block the towers off, it has to be permanently because even when they are blocked off they are still firing and the only way to stop them from firing is to use immovable objects.
hmmm.... I wonder if this would really work. It might backfire on your team though. Not realiable either considering it might just try firing in your direction (the blocked direction)
the only moveable objects capable of doing this are a small block a tiny block and a broken column. they would require you to either throw a gravity lift, of ram it with a vehicle. the vehicle would almost always kill the driver, unless you had a pallet holding up the small block... I think the pallet small block combo would be the best option.
You could do a grav lift switch, but you can only have one of those at a a time. you also need a big surface to cover all the firing angles I think the lasers would probably blow the block out of position.
It wouldnt be that much of an airstrike with lasers but I think if fusion coils dropped down that would be good.