Just to let you know, the store you bought that gun from chrono'd it with a .12g and so it gave wrong results. It's actually around 400fps and Aftermath or something rebranded this from CYMA and slapped on a RIS system on it.
I really like the sniper, the bolt action just takes being a little quick on the fingers, but it's pretty powerful and accurate. I love my G36, it's really mobile, and keeps a lot of accuracy and power while running, which I haven't found much in my previous rifles. They're both personal preference, I have one friend that loves my guns, and one that would use anything but. They're personally the best I've had, but again, the bolt action on takes some quick fingers and getting used to for the most versatility. I would give it a shot if I were you.
some of these look over realistic.imagine of you wre just walking around with it and like a cop arrested you or something. that would be a funny as hell news story
If you paint over the orange tip, you can be arrested. And speaking of realistic airsoft guns, check this out: www.redwolfairsoft.com
Yeah i spray painted my pistols and my Uzi black ...... but I honestly don't care, people carry guns around all the time here. Lots of people have rifles and shotguns hanging in the back windows of their pickup trucks. lol
They're called rednecks And painting the tip makes it look better, so I do it to most of my guns anyways.