Map Title: Airshow A Banshee Racetrack made by Prisneels Wrath Download Map Airshow Download Gametype Airborne Description: This is a new idea I've been working on. I believe this is the first Banshee Racetrack around so I do hope you try it out. Be sure to play it with the gametype or else it wont make sense. It plays with basically the same gametype as mongoose tracks, except instead of one "Go-To Point", there are several so that the racers go around the entire track. Keep in mind that this is simply a test to see how people like the game play and the general idea. In the future I'd obviously make a more interesting map, but for now I just want some feedback. Starting Area First Checkpoint Kill Ball Lane This being my first post, I hope everything checks out. Thanks for looking it over, please download and try it out with that gametype. I'll appreciate any feedback.
"Hello and welcome to forgehub! I will be your guide" im just kidding, but you actually have to embed your pictures of your map on the thread. After you do that, i will rate your map appropriately. The two links in my signature will tell you all that you need to know about posting maps and how to put in the pictures, and pleas watch the video-it helps ^ NO ONE ELSE POST ABOUT THE PICS! l l WOW i got infracted for helping the kid out and telling him how to post pics!! At least i told him how to do it unlike lil-zdub where it may be hard to understand! Overall this map is really a new idea and looks like a ton of fun too I think that this looks like a ton of fun and am hoping to play with tons of friends
I've honestly been waiting so long for someone to make something like this. At first glance, I thought this would be an air fighting map... but obviously not. I like the obstacles in this, the aesthetics are pleasant, and you have my dl. Possibly the first air course map that I've seen yet. I'll test this later with my friends, and give you a full review(seeing to it that I remember). Good job.
How much testing have you done of this because i attempted something similar and it did not work well. the gameplay was very predictable and because you cant see the grid people often found themself falling throuhg the bottom of the map. may i suggest making version 2 on the floor level. other than that the map looks very clean and well made, good forging. i will download and add anything if i think i need to. one other limitation of this map is the fact it only works with 4 players but thats not your fault. Edit: I played it earlier with 2 friends and to be honest its not good. Whats with the points on the side? You cant get through them very easily at all, and the points dont really go in any structured order, which makes the gameplay very stop start. I seriously suggest making a version 2 which plays better, or giving me permission to make a version 2 because this map really doesnt do the idea justice.
WOW, this sounds awsome. It is well forged too. I have never seen a banshee Racetrack and you did a great job on it too. Good Creativity Well Forged Good Playabilty One thing though, there would be a big honor rule so people wouldnt cheat other than that good job. 8/10
thanks for the comments. " Edit: I played it earlier with 2 friends and to be honest its not good. Whats with the points on the side? You cant get through them very easily at all, and the points dont really go in any structured order, which makes the gameplay very stop start. I seriously suggest making a version 2 which plays better, or giving me permission to make a version 2 because this map really doesnt do the idea justice. " -Prodigious 7k Im pretty sure that with the gametype it should make sense, the "go-to points" are all in order. As long as the gametype has them set to change in sequence and when reached then it should be smooth. I should note that you dont have to actually go through all the "go-to points" or even in a specific way, you just have to get to them, and if you dont make one then you can just head over to the next one right away. This also applys to if you die. I was also thinking of making one on the ground but by then it was too late, so i will work on that though
this is a great map, congatulations on being the first to make an exillent map like this i downloaded and it is definetly worth the download. playibility lasts forever 5/5
I was using your gametype and the points did go in order but the order its self isn't flowing at all. Can i make a version 2,please? If you dont let me i will make one anyway but just not post it. Sorry for being such a **** in this thread.
yeah man dont worry bout it. Feel free to change anything, and please post it. I mainly wanted to get the idea out there and see some more creative maps than the usual mongoose tracks.
The only thing I would change is make some boundaries so people won't just skip the obstacle. They would have to be pretty big though to allow a few Banshees to pass. Nice job though.