This Is Version 2 of Airbourne, with changes that I picked up here and at Bungie. Enjoy! AIRBOURNE STORY Two teams leap from dropships to battle it out on the ground. Capture your own base, your opponents base and the citadel in the middle. Ship one has made the journey through space to this battlefield in one piece. Ship two, however, is severly damaged, adn the troops inside are ready to jump. Each base has an armory, a territory, and vehicles. Base one: This base has its armory in a vehicle-looking thing (near center of screen). It also has a warthog, two mongoose, and after 180 seconds, a banshee. Base two: This base has its armory underneath the half-uplifted silo cover. It has two mongoose and after 180 seconds, a banshee. It does not have a warthog; however, it does have a missile pod to even the playing field. Base two Armory: Notice missle pod behind player. THE MOST IMPORTANT TERRITORY THE CITADEL On top of the castle are two sniper rifles, a shot gun and an anti aircraft gun (stuck gauss) Inside the citadel's winding passageways, there is another shotgun. Inside castle: If you hit one of the planes in the right spot when you are on the antiaircraft gun, the plane explodes. Plane one Plane two Okay guys download it! Play it! This map is one of my friends favorite maps EVER! Lol but serioous, its a lot of fun. Play on team slayer if you must but it is much more fun on my Go Go Go! territories varient. Map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: Gametype no longer exists Thanks guys! Enjoy! Fiatluxmortem94
It's good to see someone make a map on Standoff. Rare map for Forging. Looks pretty good, and the interlocking is something I've never seen on Standoff. 4/5!
Its a little messy for my taste. Perhaps you should straighten things out a little. Great idea though. I had actually thought about doing the same thing myself before. 3/5 (Great idea, poor execution)
does the plane actually fall apart when its blown up or does it just explode but anyway the map is okay
Looks good! I'll have to check it out. Also, try not to just make an armory with a bunch of weapons. Make those weapons in different areas on the plane/ base. I'm looking forward to version 2. =)
one thing the citidel is lopsided(not a big deal)but the second plane uhh destroyed already why does it look like that? othere than that good map nice to see one on standoff 3.5/5
1. there are weapons around the map, but I wanted to make the gameplay center around the three territories, and one of the only ways to do that is to provide weapon centers and cover 2.The plane does not actually fall apart but the fusion coils inside harm the people jumping out at that moment, making it like real antiaircraft fire
Alright, thanks for clearing that up. My Download que is full because I got the red ring of death, so I'll have to check it out when my 360 is repaired.