Air Superiority

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by KnifeEdgeStudios, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. KnifeEdgeStudios

    KnifeEdgeStudios Forerunner

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    Welcome to Air Superiority! A battlefield inspired game where players must battle for dominance of the sky's!

    Please Use the custom gametype for best experience.

    Red Base

    Blue Base Base is the same but inside a cave.

    Outside the base's there are shield doors to stop spawn killing

    I added some cover in the form of rock formations to add too the drama

    Watch out for the forerunner gun aimed at the sky to destroy incoming ships

    Sorry for the lack of pictures but i haven't had enough people play at one time to get any :(

    Hope you enjoy this map!
    #1 KnifeEdgeStudios, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
  2. stupidpower

    stupidpower Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Too bland...

    As much as I love aircrafts, Reach does not have the best dogfights... And 2 teamed air combat is kinda boring..

    You should try to mix things up, like one sided VIP where banshees come at falcons instead of just normal deathmatch.

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