Air Hockey

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DieHardAssassin, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Air Hockey
    created by DieHardAssassin

    Gametype: Bank Shot (Multi-Flag)
    Supports: 16 players
    Recommended: 4-8 players
    Captures to Win: 1
    Number of Rounds: 3

    Primary: Brute Shot
    Secondary: Rocket Launcher

    Damage Resistance: Invulnerable
    Grenade Count: None
    Infinite Ammo: Enabled
    Motion Sensor: 10m

    Air Hockey, but no Air? Sorry, not enough grav lifts.​

    All 1st story Boxes contain Plasma Shields, which makes them repel the soccer ball easily.​

    Use your teamwork to have a consistent barrage of brute shots/ rockets firing on the soccer ball to score a goal.​

    When a goal is scored, a teleporter will be opened up, and will allow you to take and score the flag.​

    When you capture the flag, you are also where you need to score it, dont run with the flag.​

    A second soccer ball is introduced after one minute.​



    Looking onto the Playing Field

    The Ball

    Shoot the ball to get it in the GOAAL


    Inside the Goal, the soccer ball hits the Wire Spool...

    Which unblocks the Teleporter...

    Which means you jump...

    To win the game.


    Total Overview

    Rocket make big boom.

    JASONYO likes this.
  2. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    wow looks like a great idea of a map. I have played a lot of maps with that idea resently, but none like this. I love the geomerged teleporter.(you gotta teach me that). I also like the decorative interlocking on the map. 5/5
  3. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Thanks, place a door lying flat where you want the tele to be, then make place at start to no. new round. put tele where you put the door. wait until the door spawns. Grab the tele, and it will be pushed under the floor. Then save&quit.
  4. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This is a good game idea, in fact i had the same one except i was basing mine off the board game cross fire and it was slightly different. Basically there are a few problems I can see with your design.

    1. The first is that you can go back into the area after you go through the teleporter.

    2. the fact that this game is CTF is definitely not the best way to set the gametype. Why not just a have a hill that covers both back scoring areas. once someone is in there give them a point and have rounds play to one. It takes out any problems with leaving the teleporter area without scoring.

    3. The third problem is that there should be no bridge under the player to block their view. once the other team gets it about 3/4 of the way across the defending team can't see it anymore.
  5. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow great idea this seems like a fun game to kill the time with and the map looks nice with great interlocking and the geomerged teleporter blew my mind. to make this game more fun you should give each team a flare to throw only once or you should put players in the arena and block the goal with a tele that puts you back in the arenato to have more epicness
  6. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    How else can you keep someone in there with explosive weapons? It isnt 3/4, its basically once its right under you, which is basically scoring.
  7. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    All I'm saying is you should get rid of the bottom bridge and just lower the top one enough to keep players from getting out.
    DieHardAssassin likes this.
  8. Loki K

    Loki K Ancient
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    WOW! Fantastic Job of interlocking and and good job on making the soccer ball work for a minigame.
  9. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    few things to point out, 1: there should be a roof to keep the ball from flying out, 2: the bottom bridges are to high and because of that its hard to get the ball out of your half.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    sir u r my hero. this is a super good idea. along with pinball and grifball this ranks up pretty high. nice job. u hit a homerun with this map
    DieHardAssassin likes this.
  11. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Nice, definately unique. Sort of like soccer, but not quite. The interlocking is great! and the geo-merged Reciever Node is a great idea too! Amazingly enough, this seems like a simple concept, but you made it go way farther than that. Great job.
  12. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
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    Wow! What a creative idea!
    And its forged well too
    One thing confuses me tho...where do you score the flag??
    But looks great and would be really fun...espically with more than 2 players!
    8 would own!!
    Great job!
  13. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    a roof might help, but there are two balls, both of which respawn. The bottom bridges are a fine at their height, you only lose about 1/4 of a single box of vision, which is like nothing, you already lost at that point.
  14. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    you score the flag right where you pick it up, but like morphine said, i think i will change it to a single hill, so when you go through the teleporter you dont have to worry about taking the flag.
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Well of course you've already lost the game, you can't see the ball. No offense but it really does make a difference i took the liberty of forging it out myself and lowering the top bridge and it made the games last longer and subsequently more competitive(and it only took a minute). Playing against my friend I was able to recover the ball from outside my goal several times. also why is the game only 1v1? might as well add the option to play teams.
  16. Jigsaw107

    Jigsaw107 Ancient
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    i like the scoreing idea you came up with. I have to agree u might want to get rid of the bottom bridge. Orginal idea Good work I look forwardto playing it tonight. 4/5
  17. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    die hard omg omg omg you are my favorite person in the whole wide world. You make mae piss my pants laughing as well as impress me with a few mini games you have shown us, and this is by far the best one I've seen from you. Love it so much. We'll have to play it sometime. It reminds me kinda like slit pinball. Thank god you made the starting weapon Brute shot and rocket launcher cause if it were just rocket launcher I would've been like omg omg omg omg omg omg omg this map sucks. But it really is quite original and I love you...I mean it!
  18. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    Plenty of football maps out there, but this is the best I've seen. Interlocking and aesthetics are really nice. But yeah, basically the problems Stealth pointed out is the ones I see.
  19. TaruBard48

    TaruBard48 Ancient
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    What a creative idea! This is originality at peak height, as you do not see such ideas as these very often.I like the decorative swords and interlocking 4/4
  20. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Hey Steven I'm glad to see you used intarl0ckz. I had fun play tesing with you and you reall fixed up the scoring system I do think though that you should have used a different gametype like territories or KOTH for scoring. Highly original as i have not see n this on the forums and I will suggest this map in TGIF 2nite.

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