If you've never seen that map then why did you copy the layout? Oh, idk, the map is fun, reminds me of chasm ;P. Chasm is one of my favorites, so this is one of my favorites, LOL. I can't believe you came up with that idea by yourself. It's a great idea though, well done!
i didnt copy the layout becasue i didnt realise there was that layout, wait, im confusing myself here 0.o
It's a fairly basic design; I wouldn't be surprised if T4K had dreamt up the layout without ever having seen Chasm. Anyway, looks nice, but I would say it seems just a little too big. I envision a fair few treks on this one. Otherwise, looks to be a solid conquest map. Good job. Oh, and nice plane.
thanks, but it isnt actually that big, the bridges joining the sections of the map are only two double walls, and the bases arent that big either, just look like its big, anywayz thanks for the feedback everyone
Exactly... good forging but completely unoriginal... and it looks as if you could grenade bounce on top of the end bases and then destroy the other team with ur immaculate cover...
Do you mean the main bases where you spawn, if you do then you are wrong, they are three blocks high, no grenade jumping up there 0.o
Seems similar to chasm, but I like this better due to the size. I also like the bigger variety of weapons. And for the love of god, DO NOT POST IN WHITE!!! some of us who have been here awhile use the white oldschool skin and are annoyed by this post.
this is basicly the same as chasm just without the sidewalls, and the death pit is built in, it looks like it has good gameplay, and it has good aesthetic value, 4.5/5 and will dl
ok, i changed the text colour, i dont see why people dont like white text, i personally like it, but maybe thats just me, thanks anyway