So after about a month and a half of forging and about 4 different remakes i present forge hub with Aincent Tower. The open platforms, close quarters, Ghost trails and large variety of wepons nd gadgets make this map incredibly versitile. It plays anything from 2v2 Slayer to 6v6 CTF (also suports KOH and Oddball). Although Aincient Tower is fully semetrical, Its many floors and coridors make it a bit confusing so i added a ton of pictures. Im sorry if evrything isnt 100% perfectly forged but i just do not have the time or patience to ghost merge every single piece. That being said it is still very clean and very plesent to play on. Battle Rifles - 0 (Budget couldnt suport brs, game tuype must start them) Sniper Rifles - 2 Rocket Launcher - 1 Energy Sword - 1 Shotgun - 1 Brute Shot - 2 Plasma Grenades - 7 Bubble Shield - 1 Power Drain - 1 Overshield - 1 Active Camo - 1 Ghost - 2 This and more of my original maps can be found on my file share Gamer Tag : NYs Gr8 1 High end overview (high) High end overview (low) 1 Side overview (Left) Side overview (Right) Side view high Side view low Low end overview Low end Side view Low end side view Low Tunnel front Low Tunnel innside Low Tunnel side Entrance to the backside Blue Room ( Central entrance to backside) Back castle Standing on the back castle looking to the back right corner Cannon tube entrance Cannon Tube Exit DOWNLOAD MAP
I added in your DL link for you and I would also recommend you take some real screenshots in Halo 3, it will better demonstrate your map. If you need help with map posting, always feel free to message a moderator. Anyway dude, I would recommend that you interlock your map completely. It seems like youve got some good ideas, and I like the use of crossing pathways and multiple levels, but the base crypt floor looks a little dead, so I would like to see that spruced up a little. All in all a good start to map making dude, hope to see more from ya.
Real nice map dude looks well thought out. People at forge hub love the interlocking. It does make it look nicer though. Anyway nice map
Okay guys, I'm gona say this and this is the only time it will be said: Comment on the map, not the post. I don't want to have to keep deleteing posts so next time they'll be coming with infractions. As for your comments on interlocking kilenum: Everywhere should love interlock, it's not just a Forge Hub thing. It's like building a house and not fillings the cracks or putting on trim. It's just not complete. Sure you can live in a not 100% complete house but it operates better when it is completed. Interlocking makes a map play better, it's smoother to walk on, you lose less grenades and it looks better to boot. It's not just Forge Hub being anal about a technique.