I was bored and noticed there were some AIM bots on my contacts list. I went to say 'rawful' to one of them... their response was epic. Heres another one.
Lol, funny, I like the first one, that must've been such a time... But what the hell is this all 'bout? Oh, and Macs suck...
Actually, Macs are on a par with PCs, especially now that you can use BootCamp to run legitimate Windows and Linux versions on them (but with how clean OS-X and Leopard are, why would you want to?). The only downside of a Mac is that if it crashes (which is unheard of among the 50+ friends I know who have them), they are darn near impossible to recover. But onto the topic at hand: My friend had an AIM Bot once, until I convinced it to wipe his Hard Drive. Then he had no computer for a week... <_< ...no, not really, but my friend really did have an AIM Bot that wound up crashing his system. Generally speaking, AIM bots and chat bots alike are pretty useless things good for the occasional nonsense conversation, but nothing else. If I still had my logs from before SmarterChild became ad-ridden, I'd post 'em up.
i love macs anyone who says macs suck has never used one and im talking to you alienvsbon! thank you very much for supportimg macs !
I use macs, anyone who thinks PC's are better for anything other than gaming probably hasn't even tried a new mac. Add to that you can now run windows on a mac and you have the best of all worlds.
Macs are great, hardwarewise. But I dislike the software. It gets in the way more often than not. But I will say, it has a very small learning curve. Any complete novice to the computer will learn it very quickly.
Yeah they're pretty much automated responses. if you try to talk to them they say what you said in a different way. just make friends.
Hmm. I was talked to one earlier, although it was an MSN bot. Some are really just pointless. There's a far difference between active conversations and Hear This-Say That bots. They go, "How are you today?". "I'm fine, how are you?" "I don't understand what you're saying."
ok true story, i was talking to an aim bot one time and i swore at him cause he was being dumb, and he never replyed until i said i was sorry seriously
I don't use AIM, so I don't know if this still exists, or not, but I think you could warn people or something. Anyways, there was a bot that warned you if you cursed at it, and then eventually blocked you.
lolololololol. I would always be like: "I really like monkeys." "Monkey advertisements: [a whole crapload of advertisement]" Or I'd say: "So I talked to Amber today." and it'd say: "How is she?" "Fine." "Fine advertisements: [fine is apparently a product now]" Advertisement...vIts worse than when it says "what??" or what you're saying back.
I once got an aim bot to give me like a 2 minute response with one question by asking if he could play chess. He started telling me about all the latest advancements and problems our scientists where still trying to overcome and a WHOLE lot of technical crap i will never ever understand. I'm going to ask it to say all the numbers in pi up to 1000. That'll be funny.