Map Title: Agility Required (I was havin a hard time thinkin of one) A lower paced technical track with hairpin turns and tricky corners. Download Map Download Gametype Description: Agility Needed (for lack of a better name) consists of a small banked turn, a shield door room, an upper level track and a hill over the upper track. There will be more description with the screen shots. The starting gate, which has been slightly modified since this picture and now holds 8 mongooses. (mongeese?) The shield door room. There is only one, simple way through here (as far as I know) but there are a few ways to get stuck. The teleporter there is the "I'm stuck portal" (or go by its testing name "I give up") which sends you back to the start. Here is the hill which goes over the upper track. I know the bridge going up to it isn't interlocked or very smooth even at that. My answer is, working as intended, once you get quite a few people playing on this map you'll find out why. It is also very easy to fall off the upper track in the left side of the picture, if so, drive around back through the grav lifts at the shield door room and back on the track. Here is the ever required cheat proof ending/lap point. Cheaters on foot get sent to a holding tank on the left, while people who die get sent to a holding tank on the right (directions are if your facing the mongooses coming out of the finish tunnel) Here is where you start the next lap, the starting garage being right above you. Beware these shield doors... And finally just a few overview pictures of the map, please remember to tell me what you think. This is only my second map on forge hub and it's one that I tried a lot harder on. Note: There is very little interlocking as far as the track goes but from what I can tell it is not needed or not needed as much. Me being new to this didn't want to create a map and spend tons of time interlocking everything just to find it went down the drain kinda like my first one did. Note: This map has been edited and the link has been changed. New downloaders will not notice a difference however previous downloaders will have to erase the first map and re download the new one. Sorry about this and I probably shouldn't do it for a map but the some of the changes needed to be made and the map had places that weren't working as originally designed. Patch notes below Shield door room adjusted to make it harder to get stuck, in turn slightly harder to get through. It should now simply bump you back and the rarity of getting stuck should now be reestablished. The teleporter remains intact for that event. Removed shield doors in the back hallway preventing players from going to far or cheating off the stairs. Strategically replaced with windows (because they don't cost anything*) to still prevent cheating however players can only go so far down the other end without being presented with another wall. Arrow receiver node added to direct players in the right way. Three cones showing the way back up after you fall removed. Using the extra money* obtained from the cones and shield doors; added obstacles to the last section of track leading from the stairs after the hallway to the finish tunnel. There is currently no known way of getting stuck here. Destination points moved back slightly to prevent grav lift dodging. There were no known ways of doing this but were moved in the even that someone finds away. Should be 100% cheat proof. *I DO NOT use money glitched maps, so this map ran out of money before I could create every single obstacle. However, only a few (2-4) items got left out that I wanted anyway. Money glitched maps (when too many items are placed over the budget limit) cause your CPU to overrun causing more heat. When this heat is build up, things stop working, creating everyones RROD nightmare. If you use budget glitch maps, please remember not to put too many items on the map to where it overheats. Yes I know elites aren't AS prone to the problem as older boxes. So if you have an elite take extra care to how many items you put. Just because your's doesn't break doesn't mean someone else's won't.
Its like puzzle race map! Which is a lot of fun! Looks great, can't wait to try it out myself! Nice job, and Happy forging! ~Randle $candal
Thanks! Even though I built it and I know everything about it I still have a hard time with some of the turns in here. Very fun to go through alone as well as with other people!
I agree with xUNSCxHeadShot i think that they are luck more than anything and i hate doing it over and over again
As far as getting lost and it being a puzzle, you can't and in truth; it isn't. Some parts are just difficult to master and it's easy to clip the shield doors on the upper track and get thrown off. You can make it through the first time though, I'm not ruling that out, but many of my testers experienced issues with the map and falling off, gets very crazy with a lot of people pushing each other off. For those that didn't download it because it didn't appeal to you, I 100% agree and respect your decision/opinion. Thank you for looking at my map anyway. And message to everyone that reads it, please don't rate it in the poll until you play it. Thanks! (not saying that everyone who rated didn't play it)
I like the new Racing veiw you have. Well, agility Tracks have been made before, but I'm glad you put the time and effort into making one. This seems fun. I'll have to try it out.
Thanks! I'm sure there have been agility tracks before, I actually went into the map to make any race map I could, and it came out as what you see. Maps like Legendary did give me some inspiration however and after seeing a lot of great race maps, I wanted to make my own. Ultimately I just simply couldn't think of a name so threw on the one it has and sent it up to forge up.
Im not really sure I would have fun with more than one person on this track. Once someone doesnt do something right they are out of the race. This just doesn't appeal to me.
Not really because you can easily expect many others to fall off or mess up as well causing many people if not everyone to have to restart from the "checkpoint". It makes it fun knowing that no matter how many times you do this map it's EXTREMELY unlikely that you will be able to do it over perfectly everytime. However I respect your decision and opinion. Everyone likes different things and this is just the kind of map that I personally like.
PLEASE NOTE: This map has had a patch released, please read the bottom of the original post for patch notes. Download link updated.