Debate Age's Relativity to Maturity

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by dented_drum, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    I think that on the whole, adults are more mature than those, say under 18. However, as a 14 year old, i am more mature than many, many adults, especially over the interent. But also, i feel that most childrens immaturity is an embarressment to all mature children.

    What i am saying is, yes, age does affect maturity. But at the end of the day, anyone can be mature, they just have to think about what they are doing.
  2. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Very strong arguments have been made, and I agree with most that it is mental not physical. I am an intelligent gamer who is half-way through the 8th grade. I could easily read a long book, or look at standards and notice the flaws. But I chose to spend my free time talking with friends, playing games, or just thinking. I occasionally make an immature joke or fart to throw off someone bowling. But I don't fight with someone who is being absurd, I battle with them. For example there is this kid who drives the living **** out of me, even though I try to be as totally pleasant as I can be. Lets call this kid "Wolfgang". Say we are putting email addresses down for some school thing and he rudely calls out that he's next, this is while my friend has what ever we are signing. He then realizes that a) I'm standing closer to my friend and b) my friend is going to give it to me. Lets call my friend "Jesus". So Jesus hands me the clipboard or whatever and Wolfgang yells out "HEY! I'M next, Jojo" And I politely say "Jesus chose to give me the clipboard because you rudely claimed to be next. This is called spite". He will then be greatly offended, grab the pen, and say "Oh shut up. He just gave it to you because your his friend. I said I was next so I'm next" to which Jesus replies "Well maybe you shouldn't be so rude, and wait your turn". Keep in mind that before I would be given the clipboard, I would say nothing and politely wait my turn. Anyway, Wolfgang has just removed the pen from my hand, but I generally keep one or two in my pocket just in case. So I use one of those, give Wolfgang the clipboard, and walk off laughing about the situation with my friend. In the situation, Wolfgang, who is older than Jesus and myself, was totally rude and immature. Jesus and I acted calmly and politely. This is also a kid who claims to be smarter, better at sports, and all around better than myself. I score higher on tests, chose not to play my best at sports because they don't matter and aren't all that fun, and can kick his ass at anything 24/7. So yes, it is all about mentality and not age.
  3. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Whereas if this kid you are talking about, just thought about what he was doing, instead of acting like a baby, he would be liked. But he does not think. He just 'does.'
  4. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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  5. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Maturity depends a lot upon the people you center yourself around. I believe you mature when you start looking at the world in a different perspective. From being more self-centered, you become more caring of others around you, and not just your family and friends. You see people opinions of something not just a spark of a childish argument, but the voice of a human being. You grow into higher moral values that fit you, and the human society better. I believe when you mature, you leave your mindless, and careless days of childhood behind to pursue your future. You become more or less of human being that is ready to make his or her mark upon the world.
  6. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    To keep it simple, maturaty has absolutly nothing to do with age. A 10 year old can be more mature than a 75 year old but in realality that almost is never true. Matureity is determined by how someone acts not how old they are.
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    I kind of agree, but young children to tend to be more immature, on the whole. They have less experience of the world, do not fully understand what being mature is all about. This is the reason why say, a 6/7 year old may find a fart absoloutly hilarious, as it 'smells' and 'makes a funny noise'. An adult however, is unlikey to.
  8. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I must disagree. I don't believe it's impossible for the younger to be more mature than the older, but when we're talkin' averages, older people=more mature.

    For example: When I got dumped at age 14, I thought it was the end of the world. I wore black and "hated" my parents because no one loved me and blah blah blah. Granted, I was more idiotic than the average 14 year-old, but the story remains the same. As an 18 year-old, I was dumped by someone I dated for 2 years. Sure, it hurt and all that bull, but I didn't fall over and die. That's not to say I'm extremely mature or anything. That's just me saying that there was an unavoidably obvious change in my response, despite the negative factors.

    Age factors in very much.
  9. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    Age affects each individual person differently. I for one was completely crazy my whole life up until two years ago. Now I get straight A's, have a few friends, (I am trying to shift my lifestyle away from loner) Impress adults on a regular basis, and don't flip out at the thought of failure anymore. (im now 12 for reference BTW) I had a rapid maturity increase, to the point where I am more mature than just about every single last kid I know. (except one) Everybodys different you can't judge an entire age groups maturity level based on the behavior of the majority. As the stereotypes don't stick for many.

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