Agalmada Please Read: Agalmada like all of my maps has a latin/greek influence for its name. Agalmada is similar to the word "honor" or "glory". The map works only with the Agada gametype. The gametype is a one-sided assault game with 7 rounds in 4-minute increments. Recommended players are teams of 3-5. You have one life per round and can choose your own class. There are 5 different classes per team and each team has 4 of the same. Each team has a "special" class. The offense has a "Ninja" class and the Defense has a "Flame" class. Those are explained a little better later on. Once the items/weapons have been picked up they will never respawn. There are vehicles on the map however you CANNOT use them. Their sole purpose is cover and bigger explosions. I know someone somewhere will ask me about this because they didn't read. Also, the target of destruction is the special golden box inside the Defense Base with the red accent. It is downstairs and has a huge waypoint on it so you cant miss it. Please O please test and play this map and let me know how I can make this map better and better!! Gametype: Weapon Damage = 150% Starting Weapon = Magnum Damage Resistance = 90% Shield Recharge Rate = 90% Bomb Arm = 10 secs Bomb Diffuse = 5 secs Bomb Fuse = 30 secs Overview Classes: Here are the 4 standard classes for each team. The weapons are grouped in certain areas within each base Close Combat: Has a shotgun which may seem pointless because of the increased damage. Shotguns own at close range anyways so it is disadvantageous to use it against higher powered mid to long range weapons. However, it has more grenades than any other class (2 plasmas and 2 firebombs) and has a trip mine which can be incredibly lethal. SM Gunner: This class has the most ammo and can cover the most amount of area with bullets. The dual SMGs kill at a wide range of distances. It only has one frag and has a deployable shield. It can tango with all the others so dont underestimate them... Marksman: The BR only requires 3 bursts to kill its target. It obviously is effective mid to long range but only has one spare clip and a frag with a firebomb. Sniper: The Sniper can kill an opponent just but shooting him anywhere. To offset this power the rifle only has 4 bullets so use them sparingly. This class also has a flare and a frag with a plasma grenade. Special Classes OffenseNinja) This is the bomb carrier for the offense. He gets an advanced ghillie suit that forces him to have poor camo. Attacking and planting the bomb however nullifies these effects. One other important note: If the bomb is dropped or the bomb carrier is killed the enemy team will know exactly where the bomb is and it will not reset for another minute unless someone on your team picks it up. Once the bomb has been planted, if diffused, it will reset back to the Offense Base taking much needed time to return to the base and bringing the bomb back safely. DefenseFlame) Because there are only 4 classes per team and with the added bomb carrier making 5 that meant one man on defense was without any weapons. Hence Flame. Just outside the Defense Base is a flamethrower with two frags. Just walking through flames on the ground completely drains an opponents shields or can kill. However the Flame class is uber slow. Be careful walking in open areas... NeutralGhost) Once dead you will respawn into the monotonous ring of Monotony. You are placed outside the game and must wait for the next round. The reason for this is because you do not get a win for eliminating your opponents in a round. So if the defense dies the offense couldnt win. Thus ghost mode was created. All you can do is play catch with firebombs with other ghosts. Also it is possible to kill each other or leave ghost mode but this doesnt effect the winning score whatsoever. Pics: Another Overview Defense Base Offense Base Center Building Hotel Defense entrance Offense entrance Hotel: Upstairs hallway Hotel: Front entrance Flamethrower spawn outside of Defense Base and Hotel
Pics Cont. Column building Inside is difficult to see and maneuver however it isn't very big. Another building on the Offense side next to the Base and the Column building This is the target of destruction. The special golden crate. This is the failure of diffusing the special golden crate in time. Download Agalmada Download Agada FAQ These pics don't really do this map justice but I felt like I had so many as it was. One other thing most objects have been interlocked and a few others have been merged to make disappearing nades as minimal as possible. I will answer any questions here that anyone wants to ask because I may have left something out. Thank you for taking the time to look at my map and ANY feedback is much appreciated! Spoiler Sadly I must agree with you. I didnt put a whole lot of focus on aesthetics for the sole purpose of I wanted to make it fun. I was tired of the whole one side is blue the other red thing so I left if somewhat sloppy somewhat on purpose. I just try and think of it as war-torn to aid in the sucky or lack there of aesthetics.
The forging doesn't look like anything amazing, however, it is good enough not to mess with game play, which i guess is the big draw of this. You seem to have put a lot of thought into game play, and it seems like it would work. personally, i hate 1 life rounds, and games with classes, however, you seemed to pull both off, and, at least in my experience, did them better then any i have seen. i think this could be an amazing map if you had put more effort into aesthetics, but as it stands: 4/5. You still got my DL though.
This seems to have an overly complicated gametype, so I cannot see it being played in random groups, as most maps are. However this still looks quite fun if played correctly.
This is a wonderful Idea, and a great map that has been built around the Idea, (which reminds me of the O.M.S gametype) But I can see the game as not so much a tactical battle, but as a continuous Battle for weapons. The only way to make the rounds more tactical is to give each member 1 life, which probably means you should make each team members health a little bit higher, which would make the game like a good Cod4 search and destroy match. Each class does not have its own area, and I see a bunch of people getting stuck without a weapon. A good Idea, but not greatly exceuted with this map. Rounds are likely to be short. Go for a v2 Originality: 4.25/5 Map Layout: 4.5/5 Aesthetics: 4/5 Overall: 4.30/5 Good Job
I haven't played the gametype, but I am a fan of these town type maps, and you seem to have pulled off yours pretty well. I never felt too cramped while inside the buildings thanks to all the windows and openings, the design of each building's interior is pretty interesting, and the overall layout of the buildings creates some good lines of sights (looking from any given window I could see a good part of the map but not all of it). The aesthetics are a little bland, but the overall shape of each building makes up for that by being genuinely unique.
I appreciate everyone's feedback. I admitted that I couldn't test the gametype but if I make any future improvements one will be to add standard gametypes. I would try and add all of them but the OL has thoroughly halted any of my plans. Once again I do apologize for the poor aesthetics it looks beat up but as I have already said the OL kept me from doing a lot of things differently.
I downloaded and played a game on the map. It went well at first, but then we came to a game-ending realization. You created the ring of monotony so that if the defenders all die, the attackers still have a chance to win. But what happens if the attackers all die in the beginning of the round? Then everyone has to wait for the round to end before they can start playing again. My game was 4v4, and I was on the defending team. Everyone save for me died with (I think it was) 4 minutes left in the round. No one felt like waiting for minutes to start playing again, so I ended the game. To solve this problem, you should make the gametype neutral bomb, but have the bomb spawn at what would be the attacker's base to keep the one-sided feel. That way, if all of the attackers die, then whoever's left on the defending team can take the bomb to the attacker's base to score and end the round. But what happens if everyone dies, you may ask? Perhaps you could give everyone ten lives. When they died, they would respawn in the ring of monotony with nine lives left. Whichever team still in the map would have enough time to score before the dead team could waste the rest of their lives, and if everyone died, they could just kill each other until they ran out of lives, ending the round early.
That is actually a huge flaw that I had not come across and kinda kills this map. I have been thinking on different variations for a new gametype because this one just has too many holes in it to be any fun. Thank you so much for pointing this out to me this was extremely helpful.