My new Tremors map. Based off the second movie this time. Shrieker(Zombie) Traits: Orange 110% speed Have 150 meter motion tracker Last Man standing Becomes Earl the hero of the movie Also becomes invisible (that is part of the movie. If you want me to explain I will) Gets 110% speed Huamn Traits: Start with a Assault Rifle and shotgun Now onto the map! Humans spawn at the Radio Tower: Shriekers spawn in the Large Garage. With Burt's Bombs(Part of the movie) Connected to the garage is the office: Finally the unfinished building. With doors(another reference to the movie) Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Orginal Perfection Mapfirst Movie): I hope you enjoy this map! Soon I will remake the 3rd movie........
anyone could make a map like this! it is just badly interlocked stuff and dorrs everywhere. bad map, but i guess since your new, i have to hand it to ya. 3/5
Alright.......I'm trying to get better at interlocking. The doors are suppose to be their. Leaning on the building. In the movie they used those doors for cover. At the office, they broke down the door.
Don't overly criticize the map. Help him out with something constructive to say. All you're saying is, 'UR MAP IS BAD 3/5 SINCE YOUR NEW'
wow have you ever seen the movie. Read the description dumba#s. and i didnt really see much interlocking but everything was really straight but that one wall so stop acting like your a forge god and dont judge before youve actually paid attention to the map. Oh and i liked the map its just like the movie. Like how the gametype makes luke invisible too. i think this is a pretty good remake and i understand you are working on your interlocking. Some people are just to errogant to look into a map. 4/5
umm... give him helpful advice and what he should improve, and dont say bad map. think of how hard he worked for that!
I haven't seen the movie but I'm sure it reflects it. BUT... I wouldn't have put this map out today due to the fact that there was a 5.8 earthquake in California today.