Afterglow So here we first map preview! Welcome to Afterglow! I have started this map a few weeks ago and decided to show it to the community now because some of you might be able to provide some feedback to make Afterglow even better so it can be released fully soon. It currently supports all slayer, ctf, and assault gametypes. Without further ado... Pictures: Please leave some feedback and opinions so that I can finish this badboy! Download Afterglow
Do you have many weapons or other incentives to head outside? It looks like the Ghost could go unused because everyone might spend their time in or around the buildings.
The only weapon inside is the focus rifle. Trust me when I tested everybody faught for the ghost. If you want to look for yourself click the dl button. I would really appreciate it
I feel like this will turn into a game of firefight with one team controlling the structure in the center and everyone else attacking it. Depending on what weapons you have around the center structure, the height advantage could easily make up for the lack of weapons inside. Spoiler
I think I know what you are talking about... Since most of the structures are already done I will try to run some more tests and move the weapons arround a bit. Ps: Nice that someone found out where the building is from!
nICE TO SE YOU POSTED THIS! my friend says that there is missing pictures cuz he cant se evry thing! But cuz i have seen the map i know whots missing of the map! plz add more pictures for my friens and other to se more! Good and nice jobb whit the map!