The lighting choice was his not mine. I didn't tell him anything on this sig, just helped him get lighting, not place it lol @ Zach, left side is kind of bland, keep working on effects, keep experimenting.
Awh that's cute guys... Smudging is bland, Get your brothers setup and smudge more over the bottom of the focal if your going to smudge like Eguitarplayerrr. Add a Border, 1x6... Add some text on that bish. And also, if you didnt do the lighting the easy way; Transparent layer on overlay/softlight, and a soft white brush... I dont know how yall do it in photoshop, but thats how we run it in gimp...word
I gave him my setup and he edited it a bit. Photoshop is the same way, you can make a new layer and brush with a white brush. Either set it to overlay, soft light, or normal and lower the opacity.