Affliction Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Game types: Slayer, TS, CTF, Oddball, Swat, plus many other custom Game Types. Map Description: Time for multi-team to get some love, squad up hit Affliction with a fury with Four outposts, and one shrine for the's anyones game. Or is it? Lots of cover, not alot of power weapons (RL, SG)...ample amount of battle rifles and carbines though. Below there is also a link for the SWAT version of Affliction named SWAT-A-Liciton. Weapons Utilized: Battle Rifle x 8 (multiple locations) Covenant Carbine x 8 (multiple locations) Needler x 2 (red and blue base) Mauler x 2 (one at each neutral base) Shotgun (center of map on top of the stone platform) Rocket Launcher (Center of Shrine) Equipment Utilized: Plasma Grenande x 8 (Various locations) Bubble Shield (blue side "Y" intersection) Power Drain x 2 (each are under the floating flower things) Grav Lift x 4 (each base top floor) Regenerator (red side "Y" intersection) Overshield (top of shrine, use gravlift) Active Camo (lower shrine, hovering over stone platform) Screen shots: Credits: Hope everyone enjoys the map, Thanks for taking the time to check it out. Peace Special thanks to my friends who helped me test out the game play, much appreciated! (Version 2 almost complete) Download Affliction Here Download SWAT-A-Liction here
Some reason, the structures just attract me in. I was looking at the little spiky sun thing for hours. I love this map. But game play doesn't look too well, but I can't judge.
interested in joining a custom game, we can get one going...if so hit me up with a message and i will invite you.
Looks very good. I like it it looks ver good for swat. I like the aesthetics of this map, it looks good. It looks like this could be a future feature, Nice job!
hey i thought you were going to test this ma, i went to the test thread n put my gamertag in??? BTW i like the map looks good i really wanted to test it with you but i guess you dont want to do that any more.
no lie this is probably one of the best maps ive seen on the crypt. The structures are amazing, and the weapons seem very balanced. I don't even know what else to say about it lol. I haven't seen anything wrong with it from the pictures. Very nice job.
This map looks awsome. I love that little star thing and the huge structure in the center is also very cool. The only thing I found that was wrong was that in the 6th picture it looks like one of the columns is crooked. just pointing that out, I'm not trying to be a ****. 5/5 SPAM MUCH!!! lol
.......... Anyways, the aesthetics are great on this map, but I was wondering how it played out? Has there been any testing at all? The gameplay looks great from forge but there are a lot of factors that come into play.
we have a custom session going if anyone would like to join us. hope to hear from ya! just look me up on XBL (open party) join session in progress.
This map looks so sweet! Very pleasing to the eye. Cool ideas for structures too. Way to go man...way to go. 5/5
Looks like its going to be a lot of fun. I love what you did with the center structure and star structures. The problem that I and another friend had with the map is that you did such an excellent job of forging very interesting bases and center structure, but then in the corners of the map you just have a few random objects placed for cover. It seems lazy compared to the awesomeness of the rest of the map. *Still havent played on it* this is just a forgethrough. Second Edit: You have plenty of budget left, I highly recommend you go back and make a V2 where you make the areas in the corners of the crypt more interesting. Also, you have a TON of spawns that are facing directly toward a wall. For help with effective spawn placement check out the spawn guides or get help in testers guild.
Wow, this is the first map that actually got any of my attention in a long time. Almost every singe map I've checked out in the past few days has looked terrible. A diamond in the rough, some might say. I'll have to at least give this one a forge-through.
for now this map looks great, it is very good looking but i am going to download and play it then com eback and review. for now looks well built and looks great overall. 5/5 for now!!!
Wow, you definitely took your time with this one. Probably the best symmetrical "arena" type map I've seen in the crypt. The interlocking is amazing, especially with the stars. That alone must have taken quite a while to do. Very impressive job.
I must say, aesthetically this map looks awesome. I haven't actually played on it yet, but it seems like the gameplay would be fine. I also like the idea of having to use a grav lift to get the OS. Players actually have to work for those extra shields. I am dling now to give it a try.
Wow, you have some really impressive structures in there. Aesthics are great. Gameplay looks good but i would have to play it first.