I have been an addicted forger since Foundry came for Halo 3, and i have for a long time been trying to make my perfect map in Reach. And finally, after 3 weeks of trying and failing, 1 month of testing and 2 weeks of polishing i think i might have made what is to me the perfect map. Sadly enough only people living in the US could enter the Forgetacular contest. __________________________________________________ Welcome to Affinity What was once a pier, is now a warzone. Welcome to Affinity, bring a life vest. Affinity is a non-symmetrical medium sized map, featuring both long distance, medium and close quarter fight. Movement around the map feels nice, smooth and logical, and orientation is extremely easy. Affinity is perfect for free-for-all slayer or Team slayer, as well as extremely fun for objective games. King of the Hill is my personal favorite. Weapons are nice and balanced, power weapons all give your kills a boost while not being so powerful they dominate the map. Health packs are spread around the map in key tactical locations and act out pretty well. The map has been through lots of testing, and through feedback we have fixed both problems with spawns, weapon ammo and other. I am pleased to say none of this is a problem anymore. All in all the map was inspired by the cage, but after a lot of design changes during build it ended up as an original map feeling completely new and fresh. __________________________________________________ Some feedback: Gold Blade 14: -It looks very well put together. I think it's matchmaking worthy. x SMIFFYY: -If you make it into matchmaking, it would be the best community made map in matchmaking so far, easily Majatek: -Looks like a nice map - Propane tanks and fusion coils are extremely well placed so that skilled players may take advantage of players who are easily killed by explosives here and there. __________________________________________________ -Fly-through- Youtube Download - My File Share I recommend this map at the highest, and any feedback on either the fly-through or the map is greatly appreciated. And if anyone know how to submit maps to the community cartographers, i would really like to know. Thank you.
Change the name, two maps in mm have already been named this and one of them had to switch names, also I don't have time to watch a vid, add some pics. I heard there's a submission thread at HBO's forums made by a cartographer.
While this map may be put together well, I'm not sure if the framerate on this map can be good seeing as I see a lot of Z-fighting and glass that could cause major framerate issues. I would consider removing some windows/glass from the map and replacing it with something else. It is however a nice looking map, the aesthetics are few, but I'm sure the gameplay would be good. Easy layout and many pathways. Looks like a simple to understand map. Good work and welcome to Forgehub. PS: Thanks for the info Mulelish21, I was going to name my new map Affinity.
Damn it's hard to name a map these days. Used to be named Ghost-off, but got many complaints on that, so had to change it. And that dosn't seem to work either then [br][/br]Edited by merge: But about the framerate, i haven't actually gotten a single complaint about that yet, everything seems to work fine
Good job. The map looks like it would have good gameplay and I like the large building. But I agree aesthetics are few, especially around the walkway 0:40 seconds into your video. I would suggest adding something there. I glad to see that you found a way to use that circular staircase piece. It may be just me, but I have a hard time using it. Good map.