This is a video GodlyPerfection(AZN FTW) requested recently for his Affinity map. Since the map's not posted here(to my knowledge anyways) I though that it'd be alright if I posted the video I recently did for it. I am not in anyway doing this just for the sake of advertising his map. This is the first map promotional video I've done in a while, some CnC would also be appreciated YouTube - Video Request .:Affinity by GodlyPerfection:.
That was intense, I loved the scenes and the music. It would be great if each scene faded to black, that mightve matched the mood a bit better. This makes me want to ask you for a map video..... :3
Having every scene fade to black wouldn't allow for syncing which is what (IMO) really sells map videos/montages. Fade to blacks are appropriate sometimes I agree usually depending on the pace and style of the music but not for this video. thanks for the post though kuroda, but if you really want a video you'll need to preform some... services.