Aesthetic Pieces

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A R C A S I U S, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. A R C A S I U S

    A R C A S I U S Promethean

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    This is a discussion because I had a few questions which I wanted peoples educated and RELEVANT opinions on. The so called "noise" cant be avoided in many many cases and isn't even a bad thing. Unfortunately CA didn't make every piece one colour and texture.

    I see this was a big waste of time and effort and some people are willingly dense so I ask for a mod to close this thread.
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    And now getting back to Green on the opinions discussed earlier and how I explain my choices made on Curb Stomp.

    Well originally the buildings were made up entirely of the brace larges. I like the barce larges for the building-like texture they replicate when placed facing up like in my map. But I had to add windows and doors so I had to remove some brace larges in areas of the building to allow this. To not create a bunch of extra lines and ugly texturing, I used 2x2 steep ramps that filled in the gaps and added no extra lines or ugly texturing. As I know the ramps are off-white and the brace's are black these two colors clash. I could use the single black walls in their place but I have already ran out of them using items under the same category else where.

    Well, I also originally had the 3x1 block used as sidewalks on the other side as well, but in attempts to make the map more clean and reduce item count, I deleted the one side because the large wall was already there anyways. The 3x1 blocks due replicate a sidewalk by the texture dividing up the piece into 3 main blocks. The strong black though makes it look ugly but i can't change that black to a somewhat darker off-white.

    Well, this is what you can expect though from making a map out of a bunch of blocks. You can never achieve a level like that of an actual map designing program. Forge is nothing but lego's and is not designed to be as detailed as we want it to be. This whole rant between me and you (and Pyro) started because you guys said Aesthetics can be added if done correctly but Curb Stomp is not that case. I really disagree with you guys and the only helpful hints you added came to the conclusion that the map cannot be improved unless you alter forge. Stating stuff like street lights (and other aesthetics) don't go and distracting (create noise) I feel is very misleading. It can be done. No the textures and street lights can't be perfect, but that is the best they are going to get in forge (building with legos).

    To say aesthetics (proper placement and usage) add to much noise is contradicting. If anything, they make forge maps look realistic and add real character to a map (make you forget that you're on a forge map) where as block-shaped-dry-arena maps feel like nothing but forge.

    You complain about the ugliness of the textures in forge but you also complain about when people try to distract you from that ugliness...

    Edited by merge:

    Glad to know it is that easy. Thanks.
    #42 Fenix Hulk, Mar 20, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2013
  3. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Requested lock.
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