AERIALIS By: zombievillan 4-8 players Gametypes supported: FFA, Team slayer, CTF, 1-Flag, Assault, and 1-Bomb Hello everyone! This is my 4th map post here, it is by far the most worked on and tested map i have made to date. I have spent countless hours merging and interlocking and now I can't even see straight. Now after all the testing and testing, fixing and testing; I am FINALLY ready to get it out. This is definately my most mature map overall since i now know more about weapon placement and respawn times, as well as respawn points and areas. I owe a huge thanks to Vorpal Saint because he is the one who showed me what my problems were in these areas. He had a major part in the testing and re-placing of weapons and he even came up w/ the crazy name. So without his help, my spawns and weapons would not be as good.
Based on my obsevations, you posted this map too early, on accident. Please fix as soon as possible following the ForgeHub standards; I will then rate your map.
Uh, this is actually a double post as well... Or at least the first copy of the map because it was posted again... Next time if you don't finish your post the first time, use the EDIT button in the bottom-right corner of your post to continue composing your map post instead creating a whole new thread