Aedis Copiarum - the house of warriors

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ExplosionNova, Jul 1, 2008.


How good do you think this map is?

  1. 1/5

    1 vote(s)
  2. 2/5

    1 vote(s)
  3. 3/5

    0 vote(s)
  4. 4/5

    1 vote(s)
  5. 5/5

    0 vote(s)
  1. ExplosionNova

    ExplosionNova Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is built around slayer and king of the hill, but it works with CTF and assault. It contains a nice mixture of narrow hallways, open spaces, and sniping across the map. It features a sniper tower that has a commanding view of the map. Near it, there is a floating fence box that should be used to capture the sniper tower from the opposing team(s). Also, there are two stories to this map. The first one is in the "maze" of the map. Right above it, you can get a good view of the map and escape the confinement of the maze.

    From playtests, the grab for the sniper tower was most important. Fighting in the narrow hallways and in the open portions was hectic. The people I tested with gave me their honest opinions, and didn't have many bad things to say. So, although you may develop different opinion, please try it out and have some fun on it!

    Here's the sniper tower.

    By ExplosionNova

    One of the armories (there is one for each team).

    By ExplosionNova

    Note: there aren't any rocket launchers or shotguns on this map, so it wouldn't make much sense to camp in the armory as there aren't any power weapons in there.

    A nice view of the map from the sniper tower.

    By ExplosionNova

    And the floating box.

    By ExplosionNova

    A nice hidden surprise. See if you can get up there!

    By ExplosionNova

    One of several hallways.

    By ExplosionNova

    I hope you will find this to your liking. Comments and criticism is appreciated as always.

    Download the map HERE.
    #1 ExplosionNova, Jul 1, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  2. iTz Me

    iTz Me Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should fix your title just put it the map name.
    And you should try using some interlocking also.
  3. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't like armories but this one isn't too bad seeing how there is no power weapons in it, other than that this map needs interlocking and a bit of a cleaning job; it's rather sloppy.
  4. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol I was going to name a map in latin, but I just used another name. The map... it's descent w/out interlocking. add some second floors, interlock, and get rid of the armories (To much weapons in that spot, spread it out more). If you need help just ask anybody on forgehub, including me (Gamertag Felshot). If not look at the Forging 101 section of this websight.
  5. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Needs some work maybe put some interlocking into it.
  6. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't know about this. It doesn't look too original. I once made a maze map like this, and it was fun for a few games. Here however, these maps aren't set at a high standard. Some of your structures need to be improved, and interlocking should be added by flipping over the bridges.

    I'm going to give this a 2.8/5

    There are a couple of points missing from a 3 because of the lack of interlocking of the bridges, and I can't go down too hard on something small like that. If they were fixed, I would give this a 3/5, because it is not original, and doesn't really have any exceptional features.

    Edit: I didn't at first realize this is your first map. The ratings above are therefore ones that would be given to someone who has posted a map before. Seeing that, I would give this a 4/5 for a first map, because it looks better than a lot of others.
  7. ExplosionNova

    ExplosionNova Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, guys. And I actually did post a map before. It was on Last Resort.

    As for the interlocking, would it really affect gameplay? Although it would probably be a good thing to do next time, I didn't focus on the appearance of the map. I tried to focus more on the gameplay.
  8. Zowabashi

    Zowabashi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interlocking would not affect gameplay, but it would certainly make it look nicer. Also, that picture with the stairs leading to the turrets, you should probably lower the platform, again to make it look nicer. If you don't want to make it look nicer, I understand. (You will probably just get less downloads)
  9. ExplosionNova

    ExplosionNova Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright. I'll keep everything in mind when i make a version 2. thanks for the feedback!

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