@sinlesslegend ??? Wait, you are the one that helped me fix the map. I'll try taking your advice and seeing how it looks. The hand may be slightly off-aesthetic wise; the reason I incorporated it was the name. Actually I had the hand on the map before I decided to make the map incorporate a space battle. @x2sora the reason the door on the map is like that is because I had a long line of sight originally. I am more than happy to take suggestions if you know of a way I can improve this without making the entrance seem cramped. Overall, I am glad you enjoyed the map (I, too, am a HUGE fan of tactical jumps). I am always open to meaningful well-thought-out feedback like your own and SinlessLegend and I honestly appreciate it. Being a member of the Tester's Guild I know how important it is to get precise feedback. When comments are left unjustified (and just plain vague) like: "random, claustrophobic, awkward, repetitive hallways." It makes it hard to understand where the real problem exists. Whereas when you tell me the specific areas that could be improved: ie. the entrance to the hallway or the hand it makes my job just that much easier...granted perhaps I am just too much of an idiot to understand sophisticated jargon like the above quote. I make my maps to please my specific audience those who enjoy maps for a small number of players, and if my map is enjoyable to them then I feel that I have succeeded and my job is done. @everyone else. If you have constructive comments and criticism I would like to hear them. I am knowledgeable enough to know that no map is entirely without flaws, my goal (like most map makers) is once again just to make my maps as enjoyable as possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have updated the map to the third version. The arched hallway was enlarged. The door to the arched hallway was changed. The hand is gone, and is replaced by a Banshee on a docking bay. The exploding ship has been changed to "take fire" every 12 seconds. That is about a 7 second increase. If anyone has any new feedback I would be glad to hear it. Again, thanks to everyone who made suggestions and helped improve the map.
Props to originality. Great map for that. The aysmmetricality of it makes it very fun and never really gets boring. Note that I played both 1v1 and 2v2 on this map. Problems I had with the map: 1v1: There is grenades at every corner, as were weapons. I would definetly size down on the sticky's and maybe the few random pistols on the ground. The grenades really made it just a chuck war because even if it wasnt purposeful you had both 2x fregs adn 2x stickys everywhere you were. Just a big chuck war. That also helped deplete the swords power for 1v1 yet it was just kind of annoying. 2v2: As for 1v1, the stickys were really powerful. If you chuck 2 at a person your probably going to land atleast 1 under their feet. Change the stickys. The gameplay for 2v2 was very fun though. Once again I think the random smaller weapons were useless. And for a 2v2 adn im sure 3v3, you wouldnt need that many precision weapons on the walls. Also size down on those. Overal a pretty fun map. Gameplay wasnt the funnest, but its definitely one of the most original maps ive seen. Originality/Aesthetics 10/10 Gameplay 7/10 Cleanliness 8.5/10 Overal I would give it a 85, B+. Nice job. Just fix the few little things and im sure it will get better.
I never had a chuck war on this map. Usually we use stickies more for setting up traps than as an actual weapon. Would it be better for me to get rid of the amount of stickies or just change it so they have a longer respawn time? As for frags, I'm pretty sure I don't have any of them placed on the actual map. The random smaller weapons on the map like the Magnum are placed on the map for extra ammo. If you take a look at many of Bungie's maps you will see they do the same thing. They aren't really meant for you to switch out your weapon. They are just there to give your starting weapons more ammo. The point of all the precision weapons is to give you choice. I know many players that swear by the DMR, and I also know many players that swear by the Needle Rifle. You will always find a DMR near a Needle Rifle so the players have the choice. Also, the weapons don't really work that well together. If you put 2 shots with a DMR into someone with no shields then switch, you will still need to put three shots with the Needle Rifle. That also will work the other way around because one takes down health and the other one makes you explode. If other people agree that there are too many precision weapons, I will take them out. I am extremely happy that you took the time to play both modes and post feedback. Thanks for all of the time you put into it.
Yeah np, for the most part I like helping people out. Since 2v2s are easy for me to set up it was really easy to get a quick few games in. As for the precisions and grenades I do understand your decisions. You could put up the times up, but really it seemed like there were unlimited supply of sticky grenades. I felt kind of bad because I just kept using them on others. It was easy for me. So if I can do that, it might be an issue for somone else, thats what im saying. But ya know im not forcing you to change it, thats just what happened in the games I played. I could play a few in which I think ill do right now, maybe oddball and KOTH. See how that plays.
Yeah, I can get rid of some stickies no problem. I just didn't know if there were just to many or if they respawned to fast, but now that you clarified on that I can easily fix the problem. I'm glad that you are even taking more time to test my map. I am also glad that you replied back to my post. You probably know that is frustrating when people never respond back. I have to say that Oddball and KOTH weren't really my focus for this map so it will be interesting to hear your feedback. Do you want me to fix the stickies before your test right now, or would you rather I wait so I could include anything else that you think needs to be fixed into one version? Either I am fine on doing. I just need your preference.
Just played a 2v2 KOTH, there didnt seem to be anymore that like 3 or 4 hills, it would be nice if one was at the back by the plasma launcher, and maybe one that is on the side halways by the windows. or the back corner halways. Also the hill that is in the smoke, really has no point to rush because you get immediately grenade owned in there. Got a few double kills with a single grenade from people in there. I dont what you to feel discouraged at all though, this map is very good. On the sticky adjustment, its fine, I killed people with frags rather then sticks in the hill-rushing. So stickies didnt really need to be changed. [Killing with frags has no connection to the map] I also had a friend complain because even in 2v2 the sword with owning everyone. He recommended a shotgun instead, but the sword does give the map a certain feel, the shotgun might take away from that. I also heard somone say the explosion was a little annoying [In the middle] , created some lagg for him... But ya know you dont want to take too much away from the awesome aesthetics.
Guess that answers my last question. I could easily add some of those hills you were talking about. I can also extend the hill in the smoke so that it is around the chimney like structure. No I don't feel discouraged at all. I don't know much about how to set up Objectives other than Assault and CTF. On a side note, did you ever consider joining the Tester's Guild. I think that you would thrive in that kind of environment. You always seem to be testing someone's map so I think it would be nice if you get recognition for your labors.
Ok nice, if you need help placing the objectives for KOTH, or even other things im pretty good with asymmetrical maps, they are my favorite. As for the Testers Guild, Id rather go underground for now. My schedule is limited and I dont want to commit to that sort of thing right now.
Hello , this looks interesting, and there are lots of features on this map. Very thorough post and a great description. Seems a lot of time and effort has gone into this map and post. The map looks well , lots of interesting rooms and aesthetics. I like th shape of the hall made from bridge large although personally I have noticed fr problems on my maps using that piece. Also I feel the teleporters on the dish looks a little ott. the fire is an interesting aspect of map, I am intreagued to how you have incorperated this into gameplay.
Yeah, I was playing with McGreen24. The two things I didn't really like were the sword (as McGreen mentioned) because the map is small and has a lot of cover for the sword wielder to run around and hide for a bit... But maybe it's just that I can't block the sword easily? The other thing is the smoke... it's really awesome but it's a little annoying when the vehicle explodes because it shakes the screen a lot. But over all, it was really sick and the aesthetics are amazing. good job
I almost forgot to comment on this! Anyways, I must say that I really like what you've done with the feel of this map. I don't think I've ever seen a map that has focused so much on theme, at least to this degree. I'm glad you removed the hand, it was tacky. However, I love the Banshee balcony and the exploding ship. I would comment on the weapon set, but you can't change it if the theme is a covenant ship. So, I won't complain. My only complaint is that some of the aesthetics look like they would get in the way of gameplay, and that some hallways seem too narrow. This is apparent in pictures 7, 8, and 9. I'd suggest getting rid of the arcing hallway, and removing the teleporters. Of course, I haven't played on the map so I can't say for sure. Overall, looks like a great map, and if you need tests, I'm running a 2v2 customs night this Wednesday. The sign up thread is in the Customs Lobby. /shamelessadvertising
Sorry it took me so long to respond as I couldn't get on my xbox and I didn't want to give you feedback solely on pictures as it could be misleading and false. Anyways the hallway entrance is much better. I must also congratulate you for actually replacing your rock arm with banshees, as most forgers would never had done that. The banshees also help in achieving the feel that you are on air ship. As for the situation with the stickies they weren't a problem in the games I have played on the map simply because no one in my party really spams sticky grenades. Though off other maps and even my own the only real time stickies become a problem is when they are in pairs and the map can potentially support sticky (plasma grenade) spam. If enough people complain or you find it a problem just leave the plasma grenades in singles and decrease their spawn time. By putting plasma at singles people can no longer "spam" plasma grenades at their enemies. Also in the games I have played the sword was not a problem for ME because I am really good at blocking the sword. So despite not having stickies, concussion rifle, or plasma launcher I never found the energy sword overpowering even in a 1v1. I also wouldn't replace it with a shotgun as it would ruin the feel your map has, and I only find the shotgun to be good at countering the sword (personal opinion). If you were to replace it the only potential candidate I see is a spiker.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. @MCGreen24 Thanks for the offer, but I already have placed the KOTH objectives. If it is ok with you, I might get you to help me with the objectives on my other maps. @timmypanic I really appreciate you commenting on the map. I haven't found any FR issues on the map yet. If there would be any FR issues it would most likely occur in the center room. The teleporters on the dish was my brother's idea. He said it would make it feel like a "light bridge". I ended up keeping the teleporters because I liked the effect that they created on the bridge. The only downside I really found about the teleporters was that they were a bit too large and hung over, but I decided to keep them because I loved the effect. Again, thanks for commenting on the map. @SAMULICIOUS The sword I didn't find many problems with. I felt if with all of the precision weapons that you could easily take out the Sword Guy. There is also the Plasma Launcher and Concussion Rifle which should be able to take him out if used successfully (I myself am horrific with those weapons so I stick to my precision weapons). The Wraith explosion I can't fix. I wish I could, but I can't. I believe though that the fire is too awesome to get rid of just because of the explosion. I won't get rid of the fire because it was the whole inspiration of the map. The explosion on the plus side does contribute to the "Space Battle" feeling. @I3ush I'm glad that you commented on this map, and liked the theme and everything. The arched hallway was enlarged from my previous versions so hopefully it will be large enough for everybody. As for the teleporters, I hope you do know that they don't actually teleport you. They are just there to be aesthetically pleasing which I think they do a darn good job of it. It would be incredibly hectic if the teleporters actually worked. Again, I'm glad that you got around to posting. @X2Sora I don't mind that you couldn't post right away. I'm glad that you like the Banshee platform and hallway entrance. I do like your idea about the stickies. Giving people one of them would make it much more spam friendly. I think I will add that into my version 4. Of course I will give you credit for the idea. As for the Sword, I wouldn't dream of getting rid of it. It is the most recognizable Covy weapon, and it wouldn't feel the same without it. The sword's long spawn time really only allows it to be in the game maybe once or twice (maybe three if it is long). There are also many weapons placed on the map that could easily kill anybody with a Sword. My favorite Sword killing combo is the Plasma Pistol and a DMR or Needle Rifle. There is no real way to stop that combo. Again thanks for all of the comments everyone. It means a lot to me that all of you give up your time to give me feedback. I really appreciate it.
I played a 3-man FFA slayer on this today, and it was awesome. I wish I had some better feedback for you than that, but you've obviously spent a lot of time tweaking it already and I'd really have to comb it to find some flaws. The fire and the explosions were a really nice touch, and I personally really liked the arched tunnel. All in all, it just stands out against most forge maps as something a bit different, so good job! The weapon layout was great and really well balanced. The game changed hosts halfway through and all the weapons respawned, so we ended up with two swords in play at one point which was a little hectic to say the least... Oh, also on one occasion two of our players spawned in sight of each other, but on the whole the spawning seemed fine.
I know they don't teleport, that would be hectic indeed. I just think they would affect lines of sight in that area. But how should I know, I have yet to play on it.
Thanks for all of the feedback. @Explosium I'm glad that you like the map so much. The arched hallway is actually one of my favorite parts of the map too (first has to be the fire). I was hoping that it would stand out among other forge maps. I've been trying to make it more realistic looking, and less like a forge map. Of course with it being a Covy ship, the map would has a lot of metal, but I tried to make it feel like all of the forge pieces were molded together to create one whole ship. I can see the map being hectic with two swords, but I can't really do anything to fix that. The spawning I thought was pretty solid during tests. Only once do I remember spawning facing each other. I don't really know of a way to fix the spawning because I want everybody to have the same chance to spawn anywhere. If I placed respawn zones, then players might be able to anticipate where the enemies would spawn. @I3ush Yeah, I thought you knew that about the teleporters. I just wanted to make sure. The teleporter receivers don't really give a large enough of an effect to hinder your L.O.S. I would be glad to test this with you some time so you can get a good feeling of how it plays.
Like I said, I'm running a 2v2 customs lobby tommorow night, and I need one more person to fill up the lobby. I'd love to play on this, and hopefully play on the updated version of Tangerine. Speaking of which, could you just put it on your fileshare so I can download it?
Dude... I believe you're using originality to its nearby extreme. I pretty much love each aspect of this map such as the plasma fire effect from the wraith, and the curved hallways. I hope the gameplay for this map is nearly as amazing as the aesthetics (aesthetic-wise, I would give it 10/10 knowing that it's playable). I'll DL later tonight. Can't wait for any upcoming maps of yours.
I must say the hallway in version 4 has improved substantially. You now have more room to strafe and the curve in the hallway is definitely a much improved LOS blocker. The health pack holder also looks really nice, and good luck getting your map into Forge Hub Favorites.