Version IV Version IV consists of four less grenades than Version III. I also moved where two of the stickies spawn. The stickies spawn now at every 25 seconds to lessen the amount of spamming, and they don't come in pairs anymore. I also revamped the arched tunnel. I made it larger because of some of the feedback said it was a bit too small. Now it is definitely large enough. I also made a new health pack holder that sits on the ground, and added two block 1x1 Tall and Thins to the arched hallway to block L.O.S. I think that the hallway has been improved a lot so it is definitely worth your time to download the newest version. If anyone finds anything wrong with the map (other than the Asplosions), I will try my best to fix the problem. Again, thanks for all of the feedback. You guys have really helped me perfect this map (or at least almost perfect it, nothing is really perfect). Aeacus: Background Info I have been working on this map for quite a while. It started out as just an interesting little idea that I got when I saw the Smoke and Mirror effect. I then started drawing down a symmetrical layout while keeping in mind that the Smoke tends to drop the frame rate. When I got to Reach, I instantly knew where I was going to build the map, in the Gulch. I knew that the Gulch had beautiful scenery that could be seen if I placed windows on the map so I started building in the Gulch. Little did I know that the spot that I picked just so happened to extend into a soft killzone. Before I could finish the symmetrical map, I had run into the kill zone. Instead of scrapping the whole map, and finding a new place to build, I started laying down flooring that did not extend into the killzone. I started to like the new layout so I kept it. That is how the asymmetrical map was born. After that I experimented with pieces to give the map the right theme that I wanted it to have. I think that I accomplished my goal which was making it feel covenant. Then the fun part arose, placing aesthetics. If you know me, you know that I love aesthetically pleasing maps, but I also like the maps to have solid gameplay. Aeacus seems to fit into those general categories. Aeacus was then born into the map it is today. Aeacus: Special FeaturesMost of you know that I adore Tactical Jumps so you will find those integrated into the map. Of course since the map is mostly horizontal there will be less of them on the map. There are really only two Tactical Jumps, but you are able to Crouch Jump to get on top of all of the second level. The map also has realistic effects integrated into the map. On many maps that I have seen, you are placed on a ship that looks like it is in the middle of a battle, but on those maps there are no explosions. To fix that little bug I have made the ship out in the distance "take fire" from your ship. In return your ship also "takes fire". The explosions do not injure you or your enemies. They are simply there to make the map a bit more aesthetically pleasing and realistic. The most special of the features is the FIRE. This is the first competitive map that I have seen that actually uses a fire. Many people in the Smoke and Mirror thread said that the fire would not be reasonable to place into a map. They either said that it would reduce the frame rate or that it would take to much of the budget. I had to rebel against them and make a map that uses the fire effect. I'm proud to say that there is no frame rate deduction that I have seen in with one person per screen. There are frame rate issues if you play the map in Split-Screen though. The fire is actually relatively cheap to create too. All you need is a vehicle, a kill ball, and a few things to hold up the vehicle so all in all it doesn't cost too much. Another thing that I want to quickly tell you is that the fire will only spawn if the vehicle setting is set to map default. Anything else and the fire will not spawn because it needs the Wraith to function. Many of you are probably tired of my rambling on so I will post the pictures next. Aeacus: Pictures Aeacus: Power WeaponsThere are three power weapons placed on Aeacus. There is the Sword on the bridge in the center. A Plasma Launcher at the top of the map where you can see the Exploding Ship. The Concussion Rifle is at the bottom of the map. Aeacus: Game ModesThe map Aeacus makes some minor changes when you play it in the different modes. In Slayer you spawn on either side of the Purple Hallways. In Objective you spawn either at the top or bottom. In Objective there is also only one power weapon which is the Sword. I personally think that Aeacus plays best 1v1 or 2v2 Slayer. Aeacus also plays surprisingly well in 1v1 Territories. Aeacus supports all modes except for Invasion and Insane gametypes. Adding race into such a small quartered map seemed interesting so I did it. All I can say is that in race you WILL hit a lot of walls. Another thing that I want to quickly remind you is that the fire will only spawn if the vehicle setting is set to map default. Anything else and the fire will not spawn. Aeacus: Special Thanks I would like to thank EightBall for helping me a bit with the flow of the map, Sinless Legend for helping me with fixing up the rock hand and helping me create the Banshee Platform, and a Haunted Army for finding a way to neglect damage from the fire (and explosion). Thanks to Soul Slasher for his input, his help with the door, and the Banshee Platform. Thanks to MCGreen24 and X2Sora for their in depth feedback, and for all of their suggestions.I would also like to thank all of the Testers that helped me. I would like to especially thank Vladimir356 for his Smoke and Fire Effect. Without him the map wouldn't exist. Thanks for Viewing my Thread. Don't forget to DOWNLOAD I'm currently at 88 downloads with all of the versions together (54 from the current version).
Pics are fine. Knight, I like the idea that the ship is in the middle of a battle. I made something similar COUGH PERIMETER COUGH , But I can't say I agree with the fire. If it doesn't make a noise I will approve. I hate fighting and all of a sudden I hear ASPLOSION! The layout from what I can see looks good, but I don't understand the point of the bridge. Maybe if it went across?
The Bridge blocks L.O.S. across the middle of the map, and adds an interesting height difference. It also is visually pleasing (at least to me). The fire does make noise. You will hear an ASPLOSION, but if there is a battle wouldn't you expect to hear some sort of ASPLOSION?
=D This is a great map, I am so glad you posted this on here, and like Confused said, I can't see them, so I clicked on the bar, and wow, it looks great.
That is so weird how the pics only show up with some people. I wish I knew what the problem was so I could fix it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hopefully the pics should be working for everyone. I tried resizing them to 800x600 instead of keeping them at the default image size. If anyone finds a problem with the pics please post so I know. Then I can try something else to fix it.
@ xzamplez I have ran a substantial number of tests on this map in 1v1 and 2v2 (which I created the map for) and in those tests the hallways allowed for more than enough mobility (all of the hallways are at least the size of a 2x2 block). The problem of limited space only surfaces when you start to put large amounts of players on the map (anything over 6 players is severely pushing it).
Your map is composed of multiple hallways ultimately connected in a large central room. Open the map up a bit, simplify the hallways, use aesthetic pieces to make it easier for players orientate themselves. There is also the doorway piece intersecting a hallway, making it very awkward. EDIT: I hate typing, if you want me to help you...send me an inv GT: The Xzample
The blue/purple flame seems to be aesthetically pleasing, but one time when I was standing on it, something blew up and I died along with the explosion. The rock hand outside the window looks fake, you should add more rocks to make it more realistic.
@SinlessLegend Sorry, that it killed you with pieces of debris because the fire is made from an exploding wraith debris occasionally lands on the map. There is no known way for me to fix it; as for the rock hand I ran out of budget on the map (I might have enough for 4-5 more rocks). @xzamplez A lot of maps can be classified as "multiple hallways ultimately connected in a large central room" (for example: lockout, longest, swordbase, countdown,rat race, elongation, ivory tower (reflection's forerunner) along with my all-time favorite Turf). Opening the map promotes long lines of sight and I'd prefer to have a close-quarters maps. As for "hallway aesthetics": my hallways were made with different layouts or pieces (with the exception of the front two (which are symmetrical)).The doorway also doesn't hinder movement because you can simply go around it (it's only one pillar in the middle). xzamplez, I know what you're trying to do here (you tried doing the same thing on Eightball's map).All you need now is to throw in an obnoxious back-handed comment, oh wait, I saved your comment from Eightball's map, but I fixed your spelling: "I guess not everybody has the same perfectionist mentality I have when it comes to map design." I have no problem with criticism, but you are going out of your way to find minuscule things wrong with the map (versus Sinless legend who had a valid complaint) Most of your complaints have been about preference; you prefer long-range DMR duels whereas I prefer close-combat pistol fights; and ultimately players build maps around their own preferences.
oh hey, i remember looking over this map in forge with you, doc madness and maybe alzarahn if i remember right. one suggestion to fix the wraith explosion hurting/killing people is to put a 2 way shield door merged into the floor, from what i have seen from these they don't seem to like anything through unless a spartan is using it and since it's a 2 way it won't make you bounce or suck you to the floor. as for game play and lines of sight, i have to play on it before i can say anything about it..
Xzamplez just quit. Hallway sizes are purely opinion. Just because not everyone has the same opinions about forging as you doesn't mean you should go and post on a map because you think differently. If Knight wasnt satisfied with his map then he probably wouldn't have posted it. What problem are you going to find on the next map you comment on. Oh I don't like grenade launchers in reach so I think your map needs to be changed. Why don't you go comment on some of the more inexperienced forgers maps. Help the ones who truely do need help instead of trying to change opinionated things.
@A Haunted Army, I don't remember playing this map with you but I hope you like it. The 2-way shield door seems to be working nothing has killed my guest and he stood on the fire for a good 5 minutes. @xDTx Kaos I have to agree with you 100%. If he doesn't like the play style of Close-Quarters-Combat then he shouldn't play it. I'm not going to twist his arm to make him like the map. If he likes it, he will play it. If he doesn't like it, he doesn't have to download it or play it. He should go around the forums helping new and inexperienced forgers instead of berating established forgers.
Such ignorance...You are trying to prove me wrong, but you are only hurting your map and making yourself look like a fool. Every map that you stated above has room for fighting in most areas, your map does not. Your map has one large room in the center with random fire, and the rest is random, claustrophobic, awkward, repetitive hallways. Miniscule things? Anyone who has the slightest knowledge in map design knows that your little door piece is a flaw, and looks extremely out of place. There is a reason Eight Ball sent me a msg to give him feedback on his map, because he is smart. You choose to be childish and defend a map with many obvious flaws, because you are an idiot. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Established forger? Not from the looks of it. That's why you don't listen to feedback? because you feel like your an experienced forger? Let me tell you something, you can learn something from matter how experienced or inexperienced they are. In this case your talking to someone who has been designing maps for 4 years.
Xzamplez I'm starting to get really tired of all your bullshit covering up what use to be the forums of forghub. Seriously we get your point the map has flaws. Quit acting like these people made their maps last night. They're people that like to make maps in forge. You can quit acting like their boss. They're not getting paid to forge. I'm sure you could do something better with your time than go around trashing their maps. The only reason anyone would let you join their session is because their done listening to your ****. It's not your job to go around forghub making sure everyones maps are up to your standards. If knight wants to put small hallways in his map that's his ****ing choice. If you don't want to play on it then you don't have to. And if your so anal about forging why don't you just go make yourself a PERFECT map and do nothing but play on it until the end of ****ing time.
So I finally managed to get a game on this wonderful map and I am back with some feedback. Gameplay - The game I had on the map was enjoyable, and I was actually surprised by the fact the sword wasn't overpowering like I thought it would be. In between concussion rifle and plasma launcher the sword was kept at bay pretty well. As you pretty much know I am tac fanatic so great job on incorporating those into your map . My only real hitch with the map was the entrance to the arched hallway, I just felt there wasn't enough room. Personally I think it would be better if you turned the doors so that you have more room. Aesthetics - The aesthetics were really awesome, when I first entered center room my jaw nearly dropped of just how awesome it looked. The little details you put into the map such as the ships "attacking" one another make it even more awesome. I do have to agree with Sinless though the hand does look a little fake. Overall though the map was extremely enjoyable.
I understand you're tired of me pointing out the flaws I see, but I don't care. It's not my fault you're too much of a sensitive ***** too listen to the truth. The main reason for this forum is to give feedback. If I see a way too help someone improve their map, I will tell them. Regardless of how they respond. You only feel that I trash their maps because I don't give out meaningless compliments. Bloo Edit: Take it to PMs if you want to continue this.
i feal i should say this publicly even though boo said take it to pm's please, don't confuse personal opinions or hates as flaws, i'm sick and tired of people saying maps are poorly desighned or suck because there opinions on how maps should play is different to there own, every one has there own play style and this comes out in their maps, just because a map doesn't suit your play style doesn't make it bad or flawed. though the hallways look cramped in game they are actualy bigger and fine, the centre is also alot bigger then it looks in the picture
I suggest removing the hand, and replacing it with a landing pad with a banshee on it, and maybe some shade turrets, for aesthetic purposes, I suggest covenant vehicles cause it fits in with the map.