When I first played the Halo 3 campaign, I chose the Normal difficulty. Later on, I ended finishing it on Legendary as well. Now I'm seeking some advice from the people who actually played the Halo 3 ODST campaign already. Is it an okay idea to run through the campaign on Legendary already? Or is it harder than people think it is?
It's quite hard on Ledg to do on your own, with friends it's quite fun. I say Heroic if your confident on solo, that should be the sweet spot, then try Ledg if you want a challenge.
I would say grab a friend or two and just start on legendary. In my opinion legendary in this game is much easier than any other halo games legendary. Itll take about 4 hours to complete also.
For me, Heroic, is a tad on the easy side and Legendary is a tad on the Hard side. If I were you, I'd start on Heroic solo or Legendary if you have some friends that will play with you.
I havent finished, BUT, I am starting on legendary by myself. I think thats the way to go. It is more strtegic, you cant just run out and start shooting and running through the levels. Also, if you do it on an easier difficulty then go back, it kinda ruins it. It makes the campaign experience last longer and more worth the money. Sure it gets pretty hard at times, but it really is a sick way to go.