Advice for college freshman (18+?)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Novak, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    You and me both, actually.

    Just me trying to justify something for once, eh.
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    After reading rules 10-15, I don't think i'll take the rest of your advice seriously... That's nice of you to write that up for people though
  3. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    This thread went in completely the wrong direction than I intended so I'll try and clear some of this stuff up. The most important advice is near the top, stuff like that is important and is literally god-tier advice. The stuff about drinking and drugs, while I think is important, can obviously be written off if you don't ever want to do that kind of stuff, I'm just simply giving my opinion on it.

    I disagree, you can still be responsible and have great character while under the influence of drugs. There are plenty of people you see every day that are under the influence of something and you would have no idea because they are still normal. The reason smoking marijuana has such a bad rep around the U.S. is because all the negative aspects of it are exaggerated and anytime there's a huge drug bust, or something, it's on the news, yet you don't hear how the stoner saved the little kid from drowning because everyone else was too scared to go into the water.

    Good point man. I was all hardcore anti-drugs and drinking up until this past summer where I drank a little bit and it was actually enjoyable and didn't kill my liver and cause me to turn into an idiot like the media wants us to believe. I researched what stuff REALLY does to you and realized it's not that bad, I'll just deal with it. Sure, I wouldn't consider myself a "partyer" or "stoner" but I still smoke and drink every so often and I'm glad I do because it's a great way to blow off steam and meet new people. I've grown closer with all my friends through this stuff and it's a great thing to experience as you get older.

    Yep, don't be afraid of it. It's all over-exaggerated by adults that are being a little too overprotective. As long as you're smart about it and don't let it control your life it's alright to enjoy yourself every once and awhile. I don't think it would have been possible for me to get through all the stress with class work if I wasn't able to drink or smoke every once and awhile.

    I probably was a little too harsh saying you might as well start drinking if you haven't already, but I was just trying to get the idea out there haha. I'm in no way saying you NEED to drink every day and get drunk in order to have a good time while you're at school, but I'm saying it honestly does help. I emphasized making friends with people because that's one of the most important things about going to college, which is networking and making friends. Anyway you can meet people is great, and going to parties where everyone is a little buzzed means they will be more open and willing to meet new people and it makes it easier.

    Also thank you for realizing I put the most important stuff at the top of the list, haha.
    #23 Novak, Jul 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  4. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I agree with some of the stuff you said and disagree with other parts which is normal as they're opinions. My own advice with going to college/university is be yourself, sure you're going to want to fit in with people but trust me you'll be a lot happier at the end of the day if you act how you want to.
  5. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    I think it's nice and even boosts the general friendly/helpful nature of this thread (not to to mention your credibility, in my opinion) when you actually still do reinforce your opinion about something even when other people disagree with it, without, at the same time, seeming like you're trying to strongly force them to think the way you do about it.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    lol why the hell was everyone else scared to go into water? were they witches or something?

    also, on the drug issue i like to quote tosh even though hes a huge tool:

    "want to smoke some pot with me?"
    "why not?"
    "cause im not in the 7th grade and i have things to do"
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Your drug advice will get somebody killed.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you're trying to imply that a plant that's been used throughout history, should only be used recreationally by 7th graders, you're sadly mistaken.

    Last I heard our country's founding fathers weren't a bunch of 7th graders.
  9. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Susceptibility to addiction is a genetic trait found in approximately 10% of the population.

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