Advanced Merging Techniques

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Forging 101: Advanced Merging Techniques
    By Matty and Iv0ry Snak3

    The aim of this guide is to illustrate some of the newly discovered techniques to aid you in merging objects cleanly and reliably. Since merging came into use, there has always been an element of controversy over when and where it should be used. Despite this, the fact remains that merging is a very powerful tool, and if the player has the power and will to do so, there is little reason why they shouldn't.

    These 4 techniques can be applied to many different situations. In some cases, you may have to try 2 or 3 of these until you find one that will suit the kind of merge you are trying. Do not forget that you can also use these techniques simultaneously. For example, you can merge with a 'save and quit' using Mancannons as braces, and then apply 'Nodes' if it happens to be slightly uneven.

    Save and Quit


    The use of a save and quit can quite reliably merge an object to the exact amount that you desire. In most cases, the merge will be completely successful.
    Although more dependable than other techniques, tougher merges can require a few goes. Where you grab the object and how long you wait before saving and quitting can also affect the location of the object after the merge.


    This technique is only really useful for difficult merges, that are either very difficult because of the location or because the object will constantly shake or sink and disappear through Foundry. To use this technique, you must first have your object setup ready for the merge. When ready, you must tap A, to grab hold of the object, and then hit start, save the map and quit out. It is always a good idea to 'save as new map' because of the unreliability. As said earlier,
    where you grab the object and how long you wait before saving and quitting can also affect the location of the object after the merge.

    This technique can be one of the longer, more strenuous ones, often requiring many save and quits just to get objects set up to brace, and then demanding multiple save quits to get it right. Because of this, you should only really use this technique when most other things you have tried have failed, or you are confident that they will. This merge is most successful when you are merging an object that would sink and disappear through Foundry if you wait too long.

    Teleporter Nodes


    This technique entails the use of 'Nodes' to merge objects by small increments, in specific places. When placing a 'Node' on an object, you may have noticed that it sinks slightly into the object. This can be used as a method of merging, or evening out an object in very small amounts. This technique is only successful on an object that is already merged.

    The requirement for this technique is an object that is already merged. While keeping the object braced, you can place 'Nodes' on the side of the object that you want to be changed. A double-tap of the object will straighten it, in accordance to the placement of the 'Nodes'. Now you will push the 'Nodes' back into the object, but only the areas of the object that you wish to be lower. Another double-tap on the object will again straighten the object in accordance to the placement of the 'Nodes', but the ones that you re-placed will be lower into the object, so those areas of the object will sink lower. This process can be repeated indefinitely until your object is at the appropriate orientation.

    This technique is very versatile, and can be applied to many situations where the object you have merged is only slightly crooked, and you don't want to have to merge it all over again. The technique is best applied when you wish to lower the object slightly, not when you wish to raise it.



    Merging with Mancannons is a relatively new and unknown technique that helps prevent objects from sinking through Foundry. It can also help on smaller merges to reduce the number of times you double tap a box to get it to the correct height.

    Simply brace up the object you wish to merge as you would normally, then place Mancannons facing in the opposite direction of the direction the object will be pushed, and merge it as usual. The Mancannons will push the object up towards the doors/pushing object because the object will be considered movable for a short amount of time after you tap it. This will lessen the force applied to the object you wish to merge, increasing reliability.

    Mancannons can be used at anytime effectively, but are most useful when you find the object you are trying to merge is constantly sinking through Foundry. The Mancannons will hold the object up to prevent that and will make your merge more accurate.

    Going Under The Map



    This technique requires you to travel out side of the map boundaries to place braces for the object you are trying to merge so that it stays completely parallel with the floor. This technique is very effective, although sometimes tedious, way to make sure that objects will merge at the same height each time.


    First, spawn a Double box anywhere on the map and set it to 'Set on Start: No', then start a new round. Travel to where the double box will spawn and place a teleporter receiver node on the default floor somewhere towards the centre of the double box, then stand in the centre of where the box will spawn. Once the box has spawned, jump and you will subsequently be pushed underneath the map. As soon as you get under you must turn into a monitor or you will die. This step can sometimes take a few attempts. Once you're down there, look up and target the teardrop that represents the recevier node. you should be able to grab it, do so and it should be pushed under the map with you because of the double box on top of it. Fly over to the object you are trying to merge and hold the receiver node up to it. 'Save and quit' the receiver node in that position and repeat as needed.


    This technique is extremely useful when one end of an object that you are merging constantly sinks into the ground. Having bracers beneath the map will prevent it from sinking, and will allow it to slide into the default geometry easily. A great time to use out of map braces is when merging stairs into walls, as one end will generally sink into the ground quite easily on it's own. Another time to use this is when you want to merge multiple objects at the same depth. If you make sure your braces under Foundry are the same height as each other, then the objects you merge will be too.

  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Great guide matty and Ivory!
    I'm going to read it in full once again later (have to go....) but I have just one question for now. Does it matter if the mancannons are placed different heights from each other, will the merge be different or skewed?
  3. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    The mancannon idea is genius. I can't believe no on has thought of it before.
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Agreed, it seems so obvious now that you think about it. not only will the merge be close to perfect but it will BE perfect. This should help when making a new map i thought of. Printing it out right as we speak
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Amazing guide...I have learned even better ways to make my geo-merges straight...I really think though you guys should make an exact angle geo-merge tutorial...and how to make custom angles...Or how to copy an exact angle at an exact spot you want it...because I have trouble with these and I'd really like to know.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow havnt seen a forging 101 in a while. Nice job on this this could be very helpful when forging for people who do not know how to merge.
    nice job
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    Pretty sexy guide, though I've kinda worked my own system out a bit..though it's great geomerging is becoming more standard like interlocking.
  8. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Great guide. I did not know about the mancannons part. That is genius. I've had a few objects sink under already :cry:
  9. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Well, I'd include my fencewall geomerge tut. That's gotten me some pretty accurate and straight geomerges, so just a suggestion Matty/Ivory, would you guys be ok adding that one in?
  10. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    thanks guys, the man cannon technique will help me a lot. very creative.
  11. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    FAntastic guide, although I have a question: WHen I go under the teleportals dont go under the map. How do i get the teles under the map?
  12. azn_dude1

    azn_dude1 Ancient
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    This is cool. I didn't know any of these techniques, especially the teleporter node one. Awesome post!
  13. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Excellent guide... I already know how to merge and what not but I plan on experimenting with other techniques... Nice work.
  14. V

    V Ancient
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    Wow, these should help out a lot. I'd never heard of using the mancannons to keep objects from falling under. I think you should put Sharp's tut in here as well. It works great for making ramps and has helped me out greatly.
  15. JSlayer7

    JSlayer7 Ancient
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    Hmm...That man cannon merge sounds like an interesting technique. Save-and-quit is what I usually go with, even on small merges, but wastes an unnecessary amount of games. Hopefully, the man cannon merges can prevent me from constantly saving and quitting.
  16. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    This is awesome. I've been having trouble getting the objects straight and this came in perfect timing.
  17. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Great guide! I'll definitely have to start going under the map when I'm merging stairs, they always seem to have a mind of their own. X(
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Do the mancannons have to be facing up like they're shooting the box upward or does it really matter? Anyways, great guide, really helpful.
  19. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So helpful, i am very glad you made this
  20. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The last two I never really thought about.

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