What do you mean, "It's not worth the price"? I don't even know any individuals who will actually pay for Adobe products.
Well, I have a strong distaste for piracy. Why are my customers idiots? I can think of a million jobs that charge by the hour.
We had CS4 in our photography class in my school. It was great, and it was so easy to learn (Although all I ever did, was make Peoples skin different colors like green and stuff lol) I would definately recommend it to any hardcore Graphics person mcperson.
Yeah, I recently DL'ed the trial version of CS4.. Same interface (for the most part), with a few key differences stated by Nitro earlier... My favorite is the 3D object coloring...
Too much arguing, not enough answering of the question. My buddy got CS4 and said the biggest update was with its 3D capabilities. Other than that I'm not sure. I haven't used it, personally. I'm just going by what my friend said. I'll stick with CS3 for a while (a year and a half when my code doesn't work).
Filters and adjustment maps have changed, from what I see. Not changed, but they added new ones, actually. I think it was worth upgrading. I actually use the new filters/adjustment maps, and I think it is arranged much better.