A small map, mainly aesthetic but it could support a very cramped 1v1. Halo 4 Forge :: The making of Adjutant - YouTube Description:: This arena is a testament to the Forerunners appreciation of nature. Comment below please! I see you looking then leaving :/
That's pretty cool. I could never do a video like that with one of my maps, lol. I feel obligated to post now that I read the bottom of your thread then scrolled down and saw that you were viewing the thread still. so here we are... I will say, while it looks awesome, id be afraid that it would be too small for even a 1v1. I could be wrong though. I would have to see it in person.
Yeah like I said it's very small so it really can't comfortable support it. It took about an hour and twenty minutes all in one sitting to make it. Another hour or so to gather the footage and edit it all together.
It looks extremely small like Zombievillian said. I will try it out later this week and tell you what I think of it after playing it. Also, you might want to show some more pictures of the map completed. It is kind of hard to tell what the finished project is from the video. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Edit: I found that the map was extremely repetitive while playing a 1v1. There were basically three hallways and once a player was shot they would just run away and wait for their shields to come back. Also, the tin cups block shots coming through one side. You should also consider adding some skylights into the roof so the boring white color is broken up a bit (side hallways). The map should also have a power weapon on it to encourage players to encourage flow on the map and add diversity to the gameplay.