Actuality is an interesting map i had just made. It is strictly a 4v4 map, no more then that. It has an odd look to the map but is a very competitive map. There are two bases, Red and Blue, while in the middle is located a custom power up. This gives you invisibility for 30 sec. On the green side of the map there is one sniper and the opposite side, gold, there is a grenade launcher. Past gold hall and under glass windows lies a shotgun. As you enter the bottom gold area you see an armor ability as well, evade. Like i said strange look to the map but competitive! This is my second map and it is better then Mayhem. Custom- 120 sec Sniper- 120sec 2 spare clips Plasma Repeater- 30 sec 2 spare clips Grenade Launcher- 180 sec 2 spare clips Shotgun- 120 sec 2 spare clips Evade - 90 sec DMR- 30 sec 2 spare clips Needler- 60 sec 2 spare clips Plasma pistol- 30 sec 2 spare clips Needler Rifle- 30 sec 2 spare clips Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 Shot at 2011-07-21 <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript></noscript> Please feel free to comment and message my GT: iTzZz CeRTiFiED for any concerns.
I like the wall curves through the bunker rounds, they look really nice. One thing that might be a problem is the cover through the middle. I think it could use a little bit of smaller cover on that wall colesseum. I have play tested it jsut looked at it, but it looks really fun to play. Your post also needs the thumbnail if you have not noticed.
yea thanks ill lower the cover in the middle and would you know how to put the thumbnail cause i tried to put a pic through image shack and it didnt show up.
I ment give more cover, not lowor the cover sorry. I ment use the smaller cover, as in cover, you like a 2x1/2x1 corner, ya know? something creative adn small to fill up the space on to colusseum wall. You need to enter a link of a picture oon you fileshare, or recent pictures. then you need to switch FileDetails to Screenshot and the ...aspx... need to be ashx and the player=(your name) has to be size=small
updated version coming soon with new pictures and thumbnail [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks to MCGreen24 a successful thumbnail is now up and updated pics and an updated version of the map is up now!