Okay, I think that if Bungie charged a little for monthly that could make sense. However I agree with whoever said that if they lowered the caherge at the beginning then it would make more sense. But for Cod they put out a game every year. I have skipped every other Cod title since Big Red One for game cube. Quite frankly I will never buy a Cod game again if charge for monthly use goes into effect as I would be paying so much more for a game that just wouldn't be taken care of because they'd ditch it as soon as the next one came out. Even then how would they do it? I don't have a credit card they can charge so the only thing I can think of is Microsoft points. And if they did charge they are an american company. If they followed the ways of how cell phone companies charge I can tell you this they have a bad business model. Compared to Britain and other countries the way they charge and the amount they charge is crap. We are in trouble if this happens.
If Activision does start charging for online, I am not going to pay for it. I may pick up the game for the campaign; but in the end I'm sticking by Bungie, mostly because they've always wanted to make games that they want to play. Not games that they want to get money off. However, if Bungie crosses over too, I'm going to get a PS3 (oh noes!), because it cuts out the XBL fee, and I can use that to pay for CoD.
Just like adding ads to a website you risk alienating users from the website. That holds true to adding a subscription fee to console games. In addition to all of this, we're in something of borderline depression, businesses are collapsing left and right. I fail to see why the consumer should be punished for Activision not future-proofing its current business model. Sure, this subscription business model can increase profits, but it is most likely to hurt the number of players playing these games. Maybe they should downsize their main headquarters, fire some people, reduce the perks the officers get, etc. Honestly why should we pay for all of these "extras" the company has. Maybe production is part of the problem, phase out a game or two and focus on some of the better titles. Their are so many options out their that will not affect the consumer as much as having a subscription plan to play console games.
This is what DLC is for. If you want to have the coolest and newest map you buy it, but if you don't you're stuck playing the old (and probably boring) maps. Think about how much money DLC gets. They can easily five map packs with only three maps, but now they want us to pay to play a game we already payed to play and bought DLC. I think valve and steam are very successful. They have downloadable games which are pretty cheap,($10-$25 about) you don't have to pay for membership, and they always have great deals. Activision is going to lose a lot of their fan base because their fan base isn't made of a lot of hard core, loyal gamers. I told my friend about the membership fee and he took it off of pre order and he won't buy it. Activision better be careful.
Really if they do have a fee, im not buying it at all. The First Call of Duty was the best one and how many have they made since then nearly 10 or so. I did have call of duty MW and MW2 but sold them to a friend like two weeks after the games were released just because it was boring. Activision must have a virus is they put fees into the game.