so here is a mechanic i was going to use on a map but i decided not to finish the map but basically its is a ctive barrier that stops vehicles from going through but you can go to anywhere inside the base and push the button to lower the barriers. i do not plan on finishing this so feel free to use this mecahnic on any map. basically you want to use a crate it dosent matter what size the thicker one works better in my opinion. you line those up so that when they fall they will be flat with the floor of your base. then you make sure the surface under the crates is flat by putting a wall or something down there. then you raise the crates to a desired height. note the crates should be at one second respawn. allright keep the crates on fixed or phased and place a chain of fusion coils under them all so pushing the button will destroy all the fusion coils. now start a new round so you dont have to wait and make sure all the fusion coils that touch the crates are on respawn time never this keeps the barricade down for the enitre game. its the best setup i found. then just continue your fusion coils behind a wall of your base and make a landmine partially in a wall where you want it to be and make sure it dosent kill you by putting a shield door infused into the wall. there you go you have the main part done. vehicles will be able to push over the barricade at this point to stop this just make a nice aesthetic pole made of flagstands just barely touching the back of the crates this stops vehicles from moving the crates. hope to see this used wel by some people. if you want to see how this works best in some ways that i cannot explain here just send me a message over xbl and ill show you the map that i have my test on and you can see how it works and looks best used thanks for reading.
This sounds like a neat trick, I might experiment with it and see what I can do. Maybe I will show you if I do something with it.