Looks kwl, well layed out, i ate too many tic tacs and i'm really high, how does the dungeon thingy work i don't get it. I also think it could do with a sniper lookign at the layout. I also don't know how a battle type game can be made... or is it ust slayer?
I really love the look of this map, and it's cool that it is historically based. My only, no, really, only worry is that some of the barriers on top of one of the buildings are likely to be knocked down.
Only the first one can be knocked down in the front but i think thats cool personally myself because its like your destroying the parthenon. Also many popes you are high so just read it again and like i said before a sniper would overpower the map easily and the map is all open and it would ruin gameplay like hell and it wouldnt be fun. kingsniper 10x and kubluh the forger what the hell giving this map a horrible you all know its not that bad,were you doing it just to be funny?inmature.Also if this map is horrible why did everyone say it should get featured or awesome.If this map was how you say it is why does it have 1122 dls?
i can see this map getting featured... it's just that good... the dungen, the tempel, the ruins, the houses,ect. makes this map very realistic and is worthy of dl...! great job! ****/***** 4/5 stars! or 8/10!
Great map dude.The interlocking is nice and the merging is gorgoues.The trap door is a great touch. I've been wondering y u have been sending me those messages.My 360 is broken and i cant view them.What r they?
I love the story and aesthical aspect. Although there are a bit too many power weapons for my taste I'm definately gonna dl.
Thanks, for those who gave comments and rated it appropriately. There are only two power weapons and they don’t respond for 3 minuets so they add to the map without overpowering it. Also they make some interesting and fun game play, or at lest I think so.
this map can be described in a few ways, but ima go with simply amazing i have fought my way through a lot of test games on this map and i can honestly say that it is the most fun i have played on a custom game(territories at least) this map not only looks great but the play-a-bility of this map is outstanding. this map looks pleasing but at a first glance, you really cant apprieciate how great it is, and how hard it must have been to make this map. if i had to point out some errors, the only ones i can think of are: the turrets, even with the fuison coils, can be quite dominating at times, i remember once i got an overkill with it just by running around. i would suggest lower respawn times, or i am mistaking and it just seems like they spawn fast. time flys when you are having fun =} also i would say, under the temple, not territory 5, but the other one, i would say, remove the pallets blocking the entrances because i just found out that you could go under there a couple days ago, and the shotgun which is under there can be a real key to success in the match. all in all.... a fantastical map with a lot of cool features that may go undiscovered at first, but are a real treat to play with in game. 5/5 and on the poll, i say featured great job you two
I love the theme of this map... Supersoldiers wrecking ancient temples. DOWN WITH HISTORY!!!!1!!!!!!!one!
This is the best reply I have seen on a map post yet. I can’t stress how much it means when someone takes the time to sit-down and actually write a good reply. Again thanks a lot for the comment. Hopefully your comments will rub off on other people and they will soon start to write amazing replies.
well i am concerned about just that people writing 5 word replys, then not even downloading the map, even though they say they are going to. what ever happened to the good ol' days?? well thats another story. i do have one other question/ comment though when i was playing territories one time on this (i am obsessed with territories on this map =} ) but up near territory 5, we were taking control of it, and all of the sudden, everyone just started spawning in this one spot, i dont know why and it was totally random, but i could see that as a problem if it hasnt been fixed. so my question being: have you fixed that spawn point? i know this has been brought up by previous posters but i dont know exactly if they were talking about this certain situation, seeing that this was one of the weirdest problem i have seen as far as respawns go. also as a comment: i have previously gotten american10 to check out one of my current maps, he said he liked it and when i asked if he wanted to test it out whenever testing begins, he said yes. so i would like you to join me to check out my map and see if you could suggest anything to me to help improve it. american10 also gave me a sneak peak to your second map in the map pack (sorry if i just ratted you out american) and it looks great as well, so can i help test that map, as much as i did this one? cause i have to say, this map, acropolis, is a wonderful map to play on and i am looking foreward to the next map.
American10 and I did go back and fix the spawning problems. We also took out the fire bombs, if you remember them, do to the fact that it lagged up the game. So now you can take territory 5 without having to worry about someone spawning right next to you.
Yea,taking territory 5 is a lot easier now and now theres no flames everywhere and people spawning behind you.