This is my next addition to the ever popular phobia series. This map is a non symmetrical team slayer map. it is made to be played FFA, Team Slayer, And CTF. This map is based on skyscrapers hence the phobia name. It is inspired by the Crysis 2 map Skyline. Both red and blue team start on balcony's. The rocket launcher is in the Green house with a 180 spawn time. Please comment and make any recommendations on how to fix or make the map better. Weapons List: Rocket Launcher 1 DMR 2 Needle Rifle 2 Focus rifle 1 Frag Grenade 4
I'd add a weapon list to the post to give people a better idea on how the game will flow. From the pictures it seems as if you focus more so on aesthetics than you do in consideration of game flow. The map looks way to open, not much cover at all, but your aesthetics are pretty cool; the green house especially.
thank you for the comment and yes i was focused more asthetics this time becuase my other maps i do not really focus on that. The test game i did worked really well with the amount of cover. I added a weapons list.
@The Panzie Man, does it really matter if you already had a map with that name...? There are probably plenty of maps out there that have the same names... Anyways, this map is good, but it is open, and not much cover, which is my only problem with this map...
Yep, the map is far to flat and empty. also-
Please, for the love of Forge, stop posting maps every few days that have clearly not been tested by anyone except you and a couple friends who probably know nothing about good game-play and how to improve the map as a whole. Posting 7 maps after only being a member for 2 months is ridiculous and shows me that you don't really put any real time and care into the craft. You say you went for aesthetics more than game-play this time, which is a ridiculous thing to do in its own right. However, the aesthetics you did place are completely random and feel out of place. I see a ton of pre-fab buildings tacked on, a random large satellite, and crates/sandbags thrown about for cover. Nothing is integrated into the map as a whole- it just sits there. I know forging is fun and it's cool to submit your maps on a site where people can see your work and possibly even download it. However, your abundant and mediocre posts are starting to feel a lot like spam. Submit your maps to the TG before posting them here at the very least. People will play your map and the feedback can be very useful in improving it. I just might cry if I see another "phobia" map released in the next week.