Accra - The Map Series

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Grif otaged, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Glorious wall 0 text

    Alright originally the Accra map series was broken down into 3 different posts but with the help of the good ol’ staff, it’s now one post.

    What is this Accra thingy?

    Accra is an ancient forerunner city. Designed as a last hope of savior from the flood, but also a defense. Many plasma turrets are mounted around all areas of the city and access paths. A large energy bridge must be activated to get into the city limits.

    Accra part 1 is the port district of the forerunner city. Fish was widely sold around here. Everyone has to past through the disinfectant energy barrier before accessing the highway. A few rides will be ready to take to your destination. A large checkpoint station overlooks this gorge, ready to assault any threat.

    Accra part 2 is a very small area. Only few venture outside the city walls. Those who do, how ever will find a large building by the sea. Completely forgotten and dust sits all over.

    Accra Part 3 The city once was busy with activity. It was only a small group of forerunners here but they built to last. The massive walls around kept the flood out. As did the turrets around, but there is no trace of why the forerunners are gone. No blood stains, coffins or burial marks. The flood didn’t attack or there would be slime like substance left over. So then what killed there entire race?

    I hope you liked the descriptions. Watch the video below to see these awesome maps. Long video so kick back, relax and tune them speakers up son! Beautiful music awaits…​

    YouTube - ‪Halo Reach- Accra The Map Series‬‏

    I have to say I think this is one the best videos I have done. (music choice and clip editing)
    The maps are purely for LOOKS and are not designed for any gametypes, but with some editing im sure they could be made into invasion or some sort.​

    Please comment and checkout my YouTube channel!

    Download links below!

    Accra Part 1

    Accra Part 2

    Accra Part 3
    #1 Grif otaged, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  2. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    your thumbnail image is broken, and i bet alot of people pass over it because of that. if you could add more of a description or images about what exactly 'acca' is, then i might download.
  3. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    sigh. Theres a video for a reason. people who look at pictures just skim through them and say oh thats cool. You have not seen Accra part 1 and 2 becuase I bet anyone who saw part 1 and 2 would auto download this, becuase they know the Accra map series was awsome.

    (Ill try and fix the thumbnail but I have tried all the god damn codes before and none work)
  4. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    im not criticizing your map, just pointing out why there were no comments. im sure its cool, there's just not much here to sell people on it and so they will pass it by without thinking about whether or not it deserves a download.

    anyways, i watched the video, and it did look pretty cool, ill have to explore it. ill download part 1 first and move on from there.
  5. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ok. I still cant get the thumbnail code to work using

    what code do i use?
  6. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    alright, well after you upload to imageshack its gunna give you a whole bunch of links. copy+paste the 'direct link' on a word doc or soemthing.

    it'll look like: (i put spaces in the tags it to turn the code off)

    [ URL = /]
    [ IMG ][/ IMG ][/ URL ]

    Uploaded with [ URL=][ /URL ]

    cut all the crap out and just save the direct url part (in the IMG tag). in this example it'd be no [ IMG ] [/ IMG ] tags either.
    forgehub should then autoscale it and all that other stuff and you'll be set.
    #6 Lazer X7, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  7. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yayay i fixed it. I didnt have to edit the direct link code
  8. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    well, i played these, and i have to say im impressed. excellent use of the natural landscape, walking through it abandoned without any idea of backstory reminded my of the game myst. is there a plotline for these maps?
  9. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ok the new video link is updated and...
    Back story yes. It's a forerunner city designed to protect them from the flood but then one day they all vanished... Halo array fire's
  10. Juggacly

    Juggacly Forerunner

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    accra is pretty awesome
  11. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    These maps look really good...but I was just there a custom gametype to go with them? Cuz I think they would work really well with a custom Infection gametype...maybe something like a Left 4 Dead style Infection, where you have to make it to the end of the level...Other then that, I loved the architecture style u used...I saw pieces used in a way I've never even thought of before...I'm definitely gonna dl them...
  12. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well at the Moment no. They are purely designed for looks. I attempted a few times to convert part 1 into a invasion map, but I never could get the design to work out, right while preserving the original map.
  13. nopuntintended

    nopuntintended Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You could try a gametype a little like this: Left 4 Dead

    I was looking at his maps earlier and it looked like this kind of gametype might work on ur map if u just add a couple teleporters and maybe timing mechanisms...

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