Accra part 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Grif otaged, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the long wait guys, I had to put the project on hold as Iv been busy with school projects and passing math class. I have a 56% in math. So that had to come first.

    well this is just the batter of a cake. I have for you just 1 picture of how Accra part 3 is coming along. Tell me what you think about?


    That is a unfinished section of city but will be completed within the next few days rest assure.

    Now If you remember part 2 that large building, well in part 3 you can still sorta see that building...Iv deleted as much as i could while at least keeping part of it intact.

    Picture of it in part 3 below

    The large bulkhead door in part 2 is unseen from highest viewpoint in part 3 so don't worry about that.

    Now for those of you who plan on using Accra part 3 with a machinima, I ask you this

    I have left that section of map so in machinima's it still seems as if you are on the same map and give it the feel that you are in a huge area, but it greatly reduces the amount of detail i can do inside the city.

    That section of map is blocked off with a glass door (that door at the end of part 2 video) and by barriers. So comment below on what you think i need to do. thankyou

    If you have yet to seen the begging of the Accra map series then click the links in my signature.

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