Acclimation Current Version is v1.4 v1.2 Fixed a way out of the map and some items that didn't spawn at start v1.3 Made somethings look better and made it even harder to get out of the map v1.4 Now impossible to get out of the map v1.5 made the teleporter system look a lot better and fixed the last spawning issue IxGUNxSLINGERxI Supported Gametypes: Slayer CTF VIP Juggernaut Territories King Of The Hill Infection Assault Map Description This map is built for a smaller amount of players it is enclosed by a rounded wall with aesthetic touches around the map (P.S. There is a secret soccer ball Hidden on the map you can get it inside but you only have a certain amount of time to do so) And recommend 2v2 slayer for the most fun on this map Weapons On Map: Battle Rifle x5 Assault Rifle x2 Sniper Rifle x1 Mauler x1 Magnum x1 Needler x1 Plasma pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 SMG x2 Power Drain x1 Bubble Shield x1 Frag Grenades x7 Spike Grenades x6 _________________________________________________ Over View Near the back Teleporter that takes you..... (P.S. the door is the teleporter) .....Here Soccer Ball Action Gold Member? Ooohhh ****!!! Going in for the kill _________________________________________________ Thanks to all that tested this map came out great and if you find any bugs in the map please feel free to tell me -Gun Download Acclimation Here
ROFL ROFL ROFL i love the random ass pic "Soccer Ball" but what the fblamck is it doing there? you actually put a soccer ball in your map? roflcopter...going soisoisoi... anyways, the map looks like you had some really good interlocking done on it, and ofcourse, you had to have merging! as for what my favorite part could be, it has to be the scenery, there is so much of it, i wish i could do that in my maps, but me n shad0w always manage to hit that stupid item peak... keep it up nublet
I played this today with you (the maker), and I was satisfied. It honeslty is a nice humble map with it's own little charms. It plays fairly well and looks solid, not fantastic but that doesn't matter. My only concern is the getting out of the map part, it may be possible. After playing it today though, nobody would want to get out because they would be too busy having fun!
Bnasty is eager to play, looks very well forged, can't wait to see! holler if you ever have people playing cause i want in, ho.
really? 3rd person? okay commander malander...(pre-game lobby reference)...neways, how u gonna not reply to my comment gun, sadfaiz
you know there is a way to get the soccer ball into the map right i know its way to powerful but trust me it workout =D and as for the merging you know me i am addicted to it =/ P.S. nublet
Yes! You fixed it! Now you all can rest assured I will not be cheating and getting outside the map anymore, unless I find out how.....?
roflishis, a soccer ball? over powering? DUH i mean cmon, one punch, and the thing clearly goes flying! wheres your head gun?! you broke de map!
Wii what time is good for you? P.S. I forgot to mention to you guys there is one more Easter egg on this map first person to find it wins =D and I will give you one hint it is inside the map
My favorite part about this map is the soccer ball, because I totally couldn't have made that in 3 seconds in forge. Also: I like how you fall into the teleporter, and the soccer ball.
Ok Guys i just finished testing out version 1.5 and it is now up it had some small tweaks. to the map but nothing to major. and it now runs perfectly so don't expect any updates soon. and you can all now download the newest version and have lots of fun -Gun
omg, 1.5? 1.4 didn't seem to have ne problems! forgot to get back to you after playing it, me n bloodfire had a pretty good time, i pwnt him ofcourse, roflofl, the layout is really good, it is just i felt there were some places that could use more ways up, like in front of the shield door, in that corner, put a gravlift behind the double boxes, that would fill that area in a little more, also, i wouldn't feel as trapped when i am in there, almost felt claustraphobic. Also, behind that very same shield (against the actual foundry wall) to the left (coming from interior) is a little location where a green gun was found, I personally felt like that should be the mauler location, or something else, otherwise, it's kinda a useless little section during the game... Anyways, aside from that little bit, GREAT job man, this map is awesome for 1v1
Ive played this map a few time now, The asthetics were amazing, I love the door idea, its a shame some noobs won't ever even see it and just say "Why is there a random teleporter here?" To-bad Anyways th map plays great and is very smooth everywhere, The weapon lay out is great and the spawns are fantastic, you did a killer job Gun slinger, 10/10