
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Blade Monkey751, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Blade Monkey751

    Blade Monkey751 Ancient
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    Creator(s): Blade Monkey751 / GOTCHA XD

    Racetrack Name: Accelerator

    Map Name: Forge World

    Gametype Supported: Race

    Description: Hello! This is GOTCHA XD or formerly known as Blade Monkey751. Some you may remember my map Accelerator from Halo 3, or some of you may not. Anyways in Halo 3 Accelerator was one of the first double wide Racetracks ever, to my knowledge the only double wide tracks before it was Wall-Rider by c u l8er and Killer200o, and Zen by Whiskey Warm and I'm not aware of any others. When I started forging again in Halo: Reach I have been getting numerous requests to remake Accelerator (and Rolling Thunder which I'll do later). And now at last I present to you...Accelerator the remake! In this installment of Accelerator I have brought back many of the fun parts of Accelerator including the classic Accelerator man-cannon boost start, the wall drift turn (2 of them!) and the off chambered turn and wave from Acceleration (which won Track of The Year in 2008). Even though this is a remake of a Halo 3 map it does not mean I have not implemented new ideas from Reach, like the halfpipe. Overall this map is a perfect blend of new and old with fast and thrilling sections that will often veer your mongoose close to the edge of the track! So I hope you enjoy the track and happy racing!


    Accelerator Style Start Hill


    Double Drift Turn


    Off-Chambered Turn


    Sharp Banked Turn


    Second Accelerator Hill


    Halfpipe Part One


    Halfpipe Part Two


    Mini Wave


    Landing to Finish Line


    What inspired your creation? Inspiration for this track came from my Halo 3 map Accelerator which was a very popular racetrack at the time. Other than that I wanted to remake the map as a sort of re-mastered map and I think it turned out very well.

    How long did it take to create? I probably took around 15 - 20 hours to create this track. This was a fairly quick track for me to construct however it doesnt take away from it's quality at all.

    What aspect took the longest to get right? The most troubling part of the map was trying to figure out how to effectively manage the mongoose's speed at some parts without taking away to much speed that the track becomes boring. The part that took the longest however was working on the halfpipe. I wanted the halfpipe to be perfectly smooth and look perfect to the extent that every single piece is lined at the exact same intervals which was very time consuming. But it was worth it!

    Download Here
  2. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Wow, I downloaded! This looks epic! I love it when people make their race tracks look more then just some floating blocks. I hope it drives as well as it looks!
  3. MjB Shrapnel

    MjB Shrapnel Forerunner

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    Hey, me and my brother have downloaded and played this, and there are some serious things you need to consider (Sorry, but its true)

    1. While certain parts of the map are fun, like the half pipe and the really steep drop, There isn't enough "Acceleration". What I mean is, there are too many points where your maps (Water cyclone included) just slow you to a complete halt, all in effort of keeping you on the track, If there is a way to get round this, I'm all for it.

    2. Kill boundaries, on both maps. There are none, we can freely roam about hemmorhage if we wish. You can't rely on the sea to kill you all the time. Firstly, this takes a lot longer to hit than say, a kill boundary 2 nudges below the lowest area of the track, and really interrupts gameplay. If you fall, you have no hope of catching up unless the other falls too. Another reason you need kill boundaries is that, if you were to accidentally fall off the track and onto a bit below, the person would either a) need to drive back around the track to get the previous checkpoint or b) Kill themselves. Most of the time I would opt for B, again, taking a long time to hit the water, and making me lose. => =[

    3)The half pipe track area, you can fall down the holes at the sides if you oversteer or go too wide, some of them you can't get out of at all, meaning you're stuck there the whole game. I think, If you took some pieces from the decorative aspect, you could possibly have 2 really fun racetracks that a lot of people would just love to play.

    Both of the racetracks themselves are quite fun at places, so its not all doom and gloom :p

    Merry Christmas! :D
  4. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I've never been much of a race person but my siblings are and they'd love this map. Some very nice turns,and banks the filter seems right and the start is really something special, its trippy as hell but awesome!
  5. Blade Monkey751

    Blade Monkey751 Ancient
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    1. Yes there are some parts that are quite slow but I only did it when I absolutely had to cause everyone that tested the maps for me would crash without some of those shield doors. Trust me I like going fast too lol but sometimes I just need to sacrifice some speed for control. I dont think you should take the title of the track just so literally lol

    2. Thanks bro, I'll keep that in mind when making my next track :) I didnt think it wouldve been that big of a deal to some peeps to have to wait to fall to the water.

    3. Yea I have noticed that to :( but thats why I tried to slow down the mongooses speed to prevent people from falling into the holes.

    I understand that your the critic type of person so its all good haha the two points other than the kill boundary I have taken into deep consideration but in the end I decided to go with what I have right now.

    And merry christmas to you to good sir!
  6. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    I cant wait to try this map out. I like how you used the spiral ramps to make a track I dont think i have ever seen that done yet
  7. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    Ok, so I finally got to play this and I have a few things to point out to you. I still like your racetrack, it looks good, but it currently plays so broken, I couldn't even finish one lap (out of frustration). But, I like the map enough, to spend my time taking pics of what I think is wrong with it, in hopes you'll fix some of it.

    Pic #1
    The map has some serious steep ramps on it. That's not the problem. The problem is that a player isn't going to see the arrows you added, because the map is extremely dark and the massive ramps have your camera angle going everywhere.
    Also, this pic shows that when I respawned, it spawned me going the wrong direction. This was the only respawn I noticed doing that, but I didn't make it too much further in the map than this point.

    Pic #2
    So again, the map is too dark. That's part of the problem. The second part is again, the severe angles and "blind" downhill turns. Once you go over this hump, and start going downhill, too late, your dead. The camera doesnt adjust fast enough to let you know that in the massive drop you have to turn already. If I knew the map well, then sure, I'd know to turn as soon as I make it there, but its friggin annoying to die & die & die, and you haven't even made it 1/2 way through the first lap yet. Most people download a racetrack, drive it for a lap or two, then discard it, unless its amazing.

    Pic #3
    The corkscrew has some wicked speed and curves. That part was awsome. What sucks, is hitting these "window pieces" five times in a row. Even knowing that they were there, I still nicked them. And because the corkscrew is on such an intense angle, you tap them and slide off the track, then repawn at the top of the corkscrew to repeat. This is as far as I got in the map.

    Good - The map looks good
    - The map has some crazy turns and steep downhills

    Bad - Too dark
    - Blind corners

    Knowing the track (and its curves) should allow a good racer to win, but not knowing the track shouldn't cause the bad driver to die & die.

    I'll keep checking to see if you post some improvements to this map, because I feel it has lots of potential. Sorry if I seemed like a jerk in this post, but when I can't finish one lap on a track that I think looked awsome, it makes me pissy. lol
  8. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This looks like the most innovative racetrack I've ever seen. It seems up u used (or at least tried to) use every type of object. I have also never seen anyone use circular ramps in a race before. Also, the accelorator parts go well with your map (go figure), all in all, a very good job to you sir.
  9. Drecker225

    Drecker225 Forerunner
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    I played it and this map is really fun. I liked the half-pipe turn and that crazy hill that makes you feel like you are going to fly off the track. One thing I would suggest is taking off the purple visual effect, as it made things hard to see and I couldn't appreciate the crazy track as much...
  10. Blade Monkey751

    Blade Monkey751 Ancient
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    Thanks, i might consider toning down on the darkness for future tracks, might help with some of the complaints I have heard about the track.
  11. Jester1194

    Jester1194 Forerunner

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    How did you get those drift turns to work? They amaze me every time I drive on them. I'd love to incorporate that type of thing into a race of mine, but I have no clue how to do them. Any trick? Or am I just missing something.
  12. Specter59

    Specter59 Ancient
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    This track is excellent. Easily one of the best I have played in Reach. In my experience, I really haven't encountered many of the problems with the map's playability that have been mentioned. I thought it was very smooth and I didn't notice any real lack of speed at all. Also, I don't think there's a problem with the darkness. I liked it.
  13. KickingWing

    KickingWing Forerunner

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    Hey bro, after reading all of these reviews and stuff, I wanted to tell you that this is by far my favorite map. I mean honestly if you fall off more than once you just don't have the brainpower to fix what ur doing. Second off I wanted to opt you to make a track with me. I have recently been building tracks and have made 4. The two that I think you would enjoy ( as the other ones are just first attempts) is Multi dimensional and my newest nd best one called atlantis skatecoaster. It would be awesome to build a map with someone else and see what ideas we can come up with. Hit me back either on my race map or shoot me a msg on xbox live GT:Colton1945
  14. UhDuhImWinning

    UhDuhImWinning Forerunner

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    Amazing And Fun Map to Play :D Thanks 4 A Great map
  15. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
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    this looks stunning, did you play rollercoaster tycoon before halo.
    are you going to make anymore racetracks?
  16. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    The double bank turn brings epic drifting. Very nice job making the perfect tilt to those areas.

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