Acacia Created by Zombievillain Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown Recommended Players: 4 There's a certain thrill that accompanies performing well in contest, a brief moment of pride following the successful attempt to outsmart and put down your opponent. It is a fleeting feeling that blends into the anxious return of the enemy intending to stop a repeat of the matter. This is why many of you entered the tournament, and though my partner and I forfeited our rightful claim at some beautiful headphones last week, it is due to the aforementioned fun that I'm truly excited to present this week's map. It's clear from a simple fly-through, and well on into actual gameplay, that Acacia was constructed for true competition. Staples of solid design are present, with a clear weapon layout that leaves nobody wondering if the high hallway houses a Rocket Launcher, or that low glass room holds the Sniper Rifle. Of course, there are a myriad of other weapons and powers at play, including a Hologram ability, an Active Camo power-up, a few Needlers, and two-shot Grenade Launchers that lay about the floor plan. Well-executed height variation, angled rooms, amazingly thought-out lines of sight, crouch-jump friendly platforms, and a scarcely-seen set of defensive fusion coils round out what makes the map extremely fun to strategize around. Acacia: 2v2 Throwdown - Round 10 - YouTube Download Acacia Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Why are none of these posted on Forge Hub? It seems like more detail such as a weapons list would be nice, especially since some of us not in the tournament are still taking interest in these.
Way ahead of ya, just not ahead of this thread, lol. Btw, awesome video Skiz, wonderful skills you have my fellow texan.
I want to know who did the video so I can tell him chuck Norris has officially been defeated by that video. Sick looking map but lets admit, the video made it twice as awesome . Congrats on getting it in the throwdown contest (although I am not surprised at all cus zombie is freaken boss at forging.). I hope that you continue making unreal maps such as these, a true map designer if I ever saw one. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP IT UP!
Skisma... Y U copy my ultra quick video cuts idea from the previous Throwdown video?!? Nah sweet video man... oh shiz I better get to work on the next one. Also sick looking map!
AH, I see. Cool stuff. Great map is great, btw. I wish I still had reach to actually play on it, but I've been on it and def' one of the most solid maps in Reach.
Wow, this must be really good because I was anticipating tons of griping after some of the posts I saw on some of the previous maps, lol.
It sucks that you had to have this Throwdown contest, because now you're late for featuring Zombie's other 3 maps. Better get to work, guys.
VERY nice map my good sir. Very polished. THIS is the kind of quality I would love to see in matchmaking.