My first contribution to ForgeHub Been using the site for ages now so thought id have a go at posting a map myself This is an Infection map me and a friend made and its basically a selection of buildings varying in size and safety, the smaller buildings (I refer to as Huts) all have Magnum ammo in and one has an Assault rifle, the main building (I refer to as the 3 story) has the power weapons in it - It has a Shotgun that spawns after 2 minutes of gameplay and a Sniper that spawns after 1 minute of gameplay. This means that the humans have more of an incentive to survive the initial minutes and the Infected have more of an incentive to infect as many as possible in the first couple of minutes. There are also a couple of DMRs scattered about the map. The power buildings are the 3 story as it is pretty confined which works in favour of both sides, there are 2 entrances, there is a bunker to sit behind on the top floor, you can access the roof, the power weapons spawn here and if the survivors set up well it could be a great building to camp. The sniper tower/nest is a great place for 1 or 2 people to sit with DMRs but there are 2 ways up and if the infected play it well these could be easy kills are there is no fast escape. There are plenty of smaller buildings to sit in but the shield door means you can only kill the infected when its already too late - Risky going to collect ammo. The long tunnel makes it pretty hard for the infected to pounce on you so this could be a good place to camp if you have players watching all entrances. Basically this works for normal slayer but it was originally designed for the custom gametype where the zombies are pretty fast (Although in this variant not too fast as the buildings arent huge) and the easiest way to kill a zombie is 1 bullet in the skull. This makes magnums effective but not great. I also made it work for SWAT (Very crazy as its pretty small with lots of hidey holes) You could play normal slayer if you were happy with limited weapon pick ups. I just wasnt sure how it would fair as a competitive map so i only threw down some spawns so i could switch it up for some manic SWAT. Oh yeah the Zombies initial spawn is some sexy ass cave with added green glow If your thinking that the zombies will be spawn camped then i thought of that and it would take a very persistent set of well organised players to spawn camp them. I have 2 entrances from the cave and 1 or 2 spawns that are just outside the cave. If your playing for fun then you wont organise yourself well enough to just cover all doors (I would hope). Also theres a night version if you want to mix things up a little - Night Version Download Bored of my Map-through? Heres some pictures First off a shot of the whole map: Heres the Sniper Tower/Nest: Zombies initial spawn cave: Sniping off the 3 Story: The long tunnel: Couple of action shots: Give it a download, let me know what you think Constructive Critiscism welcome Download Link PS, i added a thumbnail image... Whered that end up?
looks really cool, i love infection maps. especially the ones with or in buildings to have a "holdout" in. but there are a couple things i think would improve the map. try the fx next gen with colorblind. i havent tried it myself but i feel it would give a really cool night-time-ish effect and give the game a more intense feeling. i did notice you included a "night time" download, include some pictures of that. also, try giving the map a little more character. throw some unusable (through the gametype) vehicles around, or objects just laying around the map that surrounds the player with a sort of mystery that could only cause them to be curious about what type of disaster has struck the town, only to find bloodthirsty zombies chasing them in a perilous battle of life or death. and make the map a bit tighter, i dont know why, but i have always liked tight infection maps. like, the sniper box is cool, but its sort of out of the way. but these are only recommendations. i say release a v2 with a few of these updates, and your golden. again, you dont have to, i just think this map looks like it has a lot of potential, and i would love to see these updates. great work on this, guys.
Really fun. We could only play a few rounds because my friend was pissing himself about something stupid, but the few rounds we played were really fun. The sniper nest is somewhat campable, and when you run out of ammo you can jump off the cliff to get a full loadout, but only if you can kill all of the zombies around you. The zombie spawn is really amazing looking, but again, easily spawncampable. Pretty damn fun IMO. 4.5/5 Keep it up!
Suicide should render you infected? Oo ill have to fix that The initial idea for the sniper nest was that its out of the way so they can sit there picking off the zombies put that could prove to ruin the game for the infected so Im thinking i may build something nearer to the sniper nest meaning theres less open space surrounding it so its harder for the survivor to just pick the zombie off Not sure how i can make the zombies spawn any less open, i may put some spawns around the edge of the map, not too close to the buildings but just so they spawn away from the cave here and there. Ill try colourblind and next gen and get some night pictures up And yeah ill throw down some more scenery now, just wanted feedback on how it played out Also what were your thoughts on the Ammo amounts? I wasnt sure if i should lower the DMRs or Magnums? Thanks very much for your feedback guys V2 coming soon
Cant find the bumping rules anywhere? But i have some questions so this isnt a spam bump I tested the jumping off the side to get new ammo and on the custom gametype it infects you (Suicide and Betrayal = Infected). Ive put the unusable vehicles down and it adds a nice element to it Thanks for that idea, just need to add a tad more scenery and ill be done with the aesthetics. Not sure how to tighten it up? The colourblind+Next gen is just a grey colour but the closest i can get to a none purple night is Juicy+nextgen+colourblind+purple but on this particular map some of the huts are extremely dark but i played a few rounds and it just adds another element of fear to it Questions - What size image do i need for the thumbnail image? Do i make a new post for V2's or just edit the OP? Thanks for looking