Well, i was out of ideas, so i found a pretty cool tutorial. I followed it, but, like i usually would, i added a few little things of my own. I really like this one, and i hope you guys o too. I really tried working with depth on this one.
I really like pretty much everything, except how his arm is blurred and smudged. Was the render like that or did you make it that way?
That's really good. The only problem I have is the pixalated like feel in the signature. But that's just me.
It's a cool effect, but everything else in the sig looks very smooth and sharp, so to me it looks out of place.
Definitely lose the blurriness. There are many things you can do to illustrate the fact that something is far away, not a focal point, or creating depth. Blurring it is not the best option, and it rarely is, because blurring typically creates a more overwhelming sense of distortion and low quality. In this case, the overall visual result caused by the blurring hurts the signature more than the depth effect it achieves helps it. I think you would have been better off working with lighting to increase depth. Blurring is not the way to go in most situations.
I really like this but it seems that it's not the greatest render for what you are trying to achieve. Sure, you can achieve depth on a 2D render but it just does not flow as nicely. Personally I think that in this signature, the effects are greater than the render. The depth would've been a lot easier to perceive it was a 3D render though. I really like it regardless of the render.
What tutorial is this? I'd like to give this sort thing a try. Looks nice, btw. Don't listen to them, the blurriness gives it flare.